[p2p-research] VERY urgent request for Ning

magius gmagius at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 18:23:33 CEST 2010

2010/4/19 Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com>:

> Buddypress is a neat add-on for word-press.  In general, though, Wordpress
> was created for a blog, and adding additional features can be dangerous
> compared to a more established CMS platform like Drupal.
Imho cause actually there's not an app with all the features needed,
perhaps could be better to have many apps with a shared users'
database. And perhaps the "center" could be the wordpress P2P
Foundation blog, where resides the most updated contents. Around
wordpress is possible to connect the mediawiki users' from the
existing P2P Foundation wiki (using an integrated authentication
plugin for wordpress) and also the  community users coming from the
abandoned Ning.com platform (using the Buddypress plugin).

> That said, the question is are people using 'social features?
> Has anyone gone back to the Ning site to find friends and send them
> messages? Is anyone regularly adding Youtube videos?

Exactly. The Ning.com website is not wired with the blog website. Imho
that's the reason why their features are not so used. Is better to use
the existing blog, using the community features to connect users with
the main website, giving them i.e. the feature to comment the
Wordpress articles through the Buddypress integrated forum, or the
feature to add videos to be showed on the blog..and soon.

> It is possible to import the Wordpress blog into a new Drupal site as well.

Sure, Drupal has the most of the features needed, but imho not at an
excellent level as in the specialized apps like Wordpress and
Mediawiki. The better thing could be to have "all" on an unique cms,
also the wiki contents so to easily integrate i.e. wiki pages with
blog articles.

All depends on how many geeks want to dedicate some time to the P2P
Foundation ;-))

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