[p2p-research] Fwd: Mind Games by Richard Thieme is now available

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 17:20:36 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Thieme <rthieme at thiemeworks.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:19 PM
Subject: Mind Games by Richard Thieme is now available
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

"Mind Games," by Richard Thieme, is a unique collection of
19 stories of brave new worlds and alternate realities - stories of
computer hackers, deception and intelligence, puzzling anomalies,
spirituality and mysteries of consciousness, the paranormal,
UFOs, alien life forms - in short, everyday life in the 21st century.
All have all been previously published in literary, slipstream, and
science fiction magazines and anthologies but have not been available in
a single collection.

See why the most common response to Thieme's writing and speaking is:
"You made me think."

The edition is illustrated and published by Duncan Long Publications and
is available at:


It is also available at Amazon and will be available in early May for
the Kindle and other e-readers. Or ask your book store to order it
through a national distributor such as Ingram's.

The preferred current option is direct from the printer, CreateSpace.

It is also available from the author, signed. Same price, $20 in person,
$23 ($20 + $3 mailing) via mail - rthieme at thiemeworks.com at PayPal or
check - Richard Thieme @ ThiemeWorks, PO Box 170737, Milwaukee WI 53217.

Some comments about Thieme's work:

“The depth, complexity, and texture of Richard Thieme’s thought
processes break the mold.” Brian Snow, Senior Technical Director, NSA (ret)

“Thieme’s ability to communicate complex, abstract concepts and
personalize them is like verbal origami.” - Jeff Moss, Director, Black
Hat, a division of TechWeb/United Business Media, and a member of the

“Silent Emergent, Doubly Dark” is ... very imaginative writing, with a
complexity that raises [the story] to the fringes of slipstream. We’re
left wondering what’s real and what’s not ....” Steven Pirie, /The
Future Fire/

“Beautiful descriptions and intriguing concepts ...” The Fix (UK).

“Thieme’s clarity of thinking is refreshing, and his insights are
profound.” Bruce Schneier, security technologist and author.

“Buy this book!” – Robert Morris, Sr. Chief Scientist, NSA (ret),
holding up /Islands in the Clickstream /at the Black Hat Briefings/. /

“The reader is left reeling, dizzy with insight.” Robin Roberts,
Information Security R&D, CIA (ret)

"Richard Thieme takes us to the edge of cliffs we know are there but
rarely visit. He wonderfully weaves life, mystery, and passion through
digital and natural worlds with creativity and imagination. Delightful
and deeply thought provoking reading." - Clint Brooks, former Senior
Advisor for Homeland Security and Assistant Deputy Director, NSA

“In his writing and speeches, Thieme has never let me down. Always
informative, relevant, unpredictable and thoroughly entertaining ...
.one of the great thinkers of the cyber-world.” - Larry Greenblatt,
InterNetwork Defense

Richard Thieme has used his skills as a writer and speaker forever. Born
in Chicago, Illinois, Richard taught literature and writing at the
University of Illinois, was an Episcopal priest for sixteen years, and
has since 1993 traveled the world as a professional speaker,
enlightening audiences from Berlin to Brisbane, Amsterdam to Auckland,
on the impacts of various technologies on human identity,
spirituality/religion, and security and intelligence. He also speaks
about creativity, reinventing ourselves, and biohacking, the porting of
hacking skills to biotechnology. His landmark talk, "UFOlogy 101,"
illuminates a much-maligned domain. His pre-blog column, "Islands in the
Clickstream," was distributed to thousands of subscribers in sixty
countries before collection as a book by Syngress, a division of
Elsevier. His work has been taught at universities in Europe, Australia,
Canada, and the United States. He lives with his wife, Shirley, in Fox
Point, Wisconsin and can be reached at www.thiemeworks.com

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

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