[p2p-research] VERY urgent request for Ning

magius gmagius at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 17:01:08 CEST 2010

Hi all,

about exporting Ning.com community members' emails, are you aware
that's possible to export them in .CSV format from Ning group? Here's
how to do:


about creating a new community website different from the Ning.com
one, it's also possible to use the existing blog @
http://blog.p2pfoundation.net , adding to it community features'
module. Infact, cause P2P Foundation blog uses Wordpress, upgrading it
at the last release, is possible to use the Buddypress module:


After Buddypress installation, you can batch upload the Ning.com
members using this plugin:

Imho using Buddypress on the existing blog is better than creating a
new site, cause in this way is possible to easily create a community
around existing blog contents, instead of making a new website with
their duplicated contents.


2010/4/16 Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>:
> Dear friends,
>  I just hear that Ning will no longer be free, and I personally can't afford
> any fees for it,
> we have two possibilities, either find some funding, or closing it,
> but in any case, as I'm now travelling for two days,
> Joseph: can you make sure to at least copy the emails of our members, so
> that we don't loose the network we have built up there?
> Michel

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