[p2p-research] [globalvillages] Ning eliminates free networks

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 20:53:59 CEST 2010

Franz Nahrada wrote:
> And where should one go, by the way? To facebook?
> Unless another service comes up with a content grabber there will be no
> chance.

It so confuses me that Commercial hosting is able to recover all
operating Costs AND are able to bring in Profit, while we struggle and
fail to be able to even cover Costs alone.

Why is that?

> allow us to provide good and free
> services. I say good and free services, including reliability, empathy,
> stability and respect.

Why is it that Google, Facebook, etc. can use advertising to cover all
Costs AND also retrieve Profits while we cannot figure-out how to
cover Costs alone?

Shouldn't be easier to cover Costs alone?  What is going on?

> I think that our community could think along what are the alternatives to
> construct a social network that is closed and open at the same time.

I think I partially understand your meaning.

Franz, could you give us more detail about how you think these
open/closed borders should be defined?

Patrick Anderson
Social Sufficiency Coalition

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