[p2p-research] The mystery of capitalism

John Haltiwanger john.haltiwanger at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 16:18:08 CEST 2010

This is total garbage. Anti-capitalism at the core of education? Capitalism
never recognized as the Great Engine of Great Societies? Grant must not have
been educated in the USA, nor tried to have a discussion about health care
with a Republican. Capitalism is a small-business owner with a few dry
cleaning places? True, but hardly telling the entire story. I'd like to
think more of how capitalism is the deforestation of sub-Saharan Africa for
4 July barbeques. That a lack of heroes is valorized here is a

Seriously, my experience could not be more different than this
bizarro-reality Grant is describing. And I should know, I've been a
"Marxist" since age 12 (1995). That's plenty of time to learn to hate the
extreme pro-capitalist bend of education and US society in general. The
media, the government, and all non-radical Leftists and Anarchists pretty
much get a warm fuzzy over capitalism and pull out anger if their
assumptions are questioned (Whither externalities, Mr. Smith?). If he is
talking about a different society, then perhaps his critique is somewhat
valid. Since he mentions New Hampshire, I'm not sure that is the case.

Also, the link to his blog doesn't work.

John Haltiwanger
Masters candidate in New Media
Universiteit van Amsterdam

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Ryan <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader:
> The mystery of capitalism<http://cultureby.com/2010/03/the-mystery-of-capitalism.html>
> via Grant McCracken <http://cultureby.com/> on 4/15/10
> [image: becker]I am always a surprised that no one much bothers to tell
> the story of capitalism.
> No, the stories we prefer to tell our children is that capitalism is a
> dangerous, soulless, relentlessly exploitative exercise. Indeed, this story
> is so preferred as our received wisdom, that it is exceedingly rare to here
> anyone recite Adam Smith’s magical insight, that good things can and do come
> from people pursuing their own, sometimes narrow, objectives.
> The anti-capitalism view is an ideological fixture of our education systems
> at every level, from grade to graduate school.  We could call it orthodoxy
> if it were not so much like boilerplate.  It’s not so much argued as
> assumed.
> Capitalists are sanguine.  Apparently, they don’t feel they have to tell
> the story of capitalism.  Somehow capitalism will teach its own lessons.
>  Once people escape the magic kingdom of education, the truth will dawn.
>  Once they have spend a little time in the marketplace, the penny will drop.
>  Or, as the English like to say, "if a man’s not a Marxist at 20, there’s
> something wrong with his heart.  But if he is still a Marxist at 30, there’s
> something wrong with his head."
> When Peter Robinson interviewed Gary Becker, Professor at the University of
> Chicago and winner of the Nobel Prize, recently, the master surprised
> Robinson be announcing, "Markets are hard to appreciate."   Robinson asks
> for clarification and Becker obliges:
> "People tend to impute good motives to government. And if you assume that
> government officials are well meaning, then you also tend to assume that
> government officials always act on behalf of the greater good. People
> understand that entrepreneurs and investors by contrast just try to make
> money, not act on behalf of the greater good. And they have trouble seeing
> how this pursuit of profits can lift the general standard of living. The
> idea is too counterintuitive. So we’re always up against a kind of in-built
> suspicion of markets. There’s always a temptation to believe that markets
> succeed by looting the unfortunate."
> And I think this gets at some part of the heart of the problem.  Capitalism
> is, as Becker says, counterintuitive.  It tells a bad story.  In fact, it
> isn’t a story.  It is anti-storyish.
> Capitalism doesn’t have heroes.  It doesn’t have people called to higher
> motives.  It doesn’t have noble sacrifices for the good of others.  It
> doesn’t, usually, have daring action on a public stage.
> No, capitalism is just has some guy who owns a handful of dry cleaning
> outfits in a small town in New Hampshire.  He works hard, supplies a
> service, pays off his loans, coaches Little League, goes to church, gets his
> kids through college, and spends his very few disposable hours on the golf
> course.
> Script!  Casting!  Some one call the studio!   This is appalling.  It
> doesn’t matter that out of these mundane activities in lots of towns big and
> small, played out by millions of people across the US, something remarkable
> will come.  This just isn’t a story anyone wants to listen to.  So no one
> much wants to tell it.  Not Hollywood.  Not our mythmakers.  Not our story
> tellers.
> The economist has spoken.  It is a little clearer why we do not tell the
> story of capitalism.  It just doesn’t tell very well. But if the
> anthropologist may join in here.  Can we at least acknowledge that there is
> something fabulously odd about a culture that depends on capitalism but that
> will not ever acknowledge it in the stories it tells itself about itself.
> References
> Robinson, Peter.  2010.  Basically an Optimist–Still.  The Wall Street
> Journal.  March 27 -28.  p. A13.
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