[p2p-research] The Age of Asperger: modern society is autistic!

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 15:32:11 CEST 2010

Ryan Lanham wrote:
> instead what sociologists have termed anomie, alienation, narcissism, or
> atomization, with privatized religion and politics and high incidence of
> sole-occupancy and isolated family structure.

This is because we do not know how to share Physical Sources.

P2P doesn't seem to address this, but most commonly suggests we do
things in isolation - such as trying to figure out how to host our own
web-pages, our own email servers, and generally use 'distributed'
(read isolation) technologies to avoid using Corporate-controlled

This is also a common theme when it comes to raising your own food and
all other Do-It-Yourself (DIY) approaches: they expect us to operate
in solitary confinement because solving the difficulties of
co-ownership is still unsolved.

This is, unfortunately, the same advice given by our GodFather RMS in
his recent article:

We must crack this problem if we are ever to get serious about weaning
ourselves from the Corporate teat that is leading us carefully down to
Hell because of it's perverse fascination with keeping Price above
Cost - a goal which incents scarcity and destruction while mislabeling
employment a 'need'.

Patrick Anderson
Social Sufficiency Coalition

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