[p2p-research] VERY urgent request for Ning

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 15:20:48 CEST 2010

Samuel Rose wrote:
> We can use ELGG as an alternative. It's just as nice as Ning. I'd be
> glad to set it up... (GNU is looking at using it for GNUSocial right
> now, too)

Sam, are you saying you will pay the hosting costs yourself?

That's fine at first, for small groups and little storage, but of
course won't scale very far.

This is a great opportunity for us to begin trying to tackle the
complexities of co-ownership.

Once we understand how to share the Physical Sources required for
software, we can get serious about hosting email, video, applications
(SaaS), and even Operating Systems (cloud).

And once we understand how to share computer resources, we can use the
same findings to begin sharing the far more important Sources of our
Food and Shelter.


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