[p2p-research] Fwd: You may like to join this USA based online discussion

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 11:10:56 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pamela McLean <pamela.mclean at dadamac.net>
Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:27 PM
Subject: You may like to join this USA based online discussion

You may already know about this - but in case you don't. Organised by USA
government. Online debate about today's most pressing global issues. Running
today, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Full details below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Global Pulse2010 (USAID) <GlobalPulse2010 at usaid.gov>
Date: 29 March 2010 16:49
Subject: Global Pulse 2010 launches - 131 countries have logged on

 *Global Pulse 2010 launches - 131 countries have logged on*

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The online Global Pulse 2010 event kicked off to an impressive start.
Participants from over 131 countries have logged on to debate today's most
pressing global issues. Conversations immediately formed around the role of
microfinancing in sustainable development, ways to provide education to
out-of-school youth, and the connection between conservative religion and
women’s rights.

Just a few hours after launch, Global Pulse 2010 has attracted over four
thousand individuals and more than two thousand posts.

Here are just a few examples of the discussions taking place:

Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-large for Global Women’s Issues, kicked off
the event by asking , “What do you think remain to be today’s greatest
barriers to women and girls’ empowerment?". Participants responded by
debating the role culture, tradition, and religion play in the struggle for
equal status of women in male-dominated societies.

There is a robust conversation emerging around the ability of microfinancing
to deliver long-term sustainable solutions.  While the debate goes on,
participants seem to agree that access to micro credit is important, but
access to markets and skill training are also necessary for entrepreneurship
to flourish in the longer term.

Jay Knott, the USAID's Mission Director for Jordan, launched the discussion
on "Inspiring a New Generation" by asking participants to share personal
stories. We heard from people from Morocco, to Ghana to Jakarta, on what
motivates youths within their communities.

Today's featured guests span the globe from Nancy Lubin, CEO of
DoSomething.org in the U.S., to Jacqueline Pitanguy, Executive Director
CEPIA in Brazil. These individuals will challenge participants to brainstorm
ideas, share personal experiences, and offer innovative solutions to topics
being discussed.  The wide range of opinions and experiences is what makes
Global Pulse 2010 a truly unique event.

Anyone who is interested in addressing today's critical global issues is
welcome to join.  Forward this mail to your friends, colleagues and
community members with a reminder that participants need to first register
at https://www.collaborationjam.com/minijam3/globalpulse2010/registration/*
*to participant in Global Pulse 2010.*  *

*Today's Highlights (registered participants can log on and view previous
posts) *

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*Administrator Rajiv Shah* - U.S. Agency for International Development

Welcome to Global Pulse 2010

*Joel Barker* - Independent Scholar and Filmaker

What makes a global citizen?

*Samantha Power* - Executive Office of the President Senior Director for
Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights

Building stronger mutual partnerships

*Jay Knott* - USAID Mission Director for Jordan

What sort of world will the next generation be inspired to build?

 *Next up - Monday March 29th*

* *

10:30 EST


*Dr. Rajiv Shah*, Administrator for U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID)

Building Stronger Partnerships



*Carol Stax Brown*, National Director for the Community College Initiative

Enabling Essential Education

14:00 EST


*Stephen Jordan*, Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the
Business Civic Leadership Center

Building Stronger Partnerships




*Tom Davenport*, President’s Chair in Information Technology and Management
at Babson College

Fostering Science, Technology & Innovation

14:40 EST


*Robert Bies*, Professor of Management and Founder of the Executive Master's
in Leadership Program at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown

Inspiring a New Generation

15:00 EST


*Shari Bryan*, Vice President at the Washington, D.C.-based National
Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)

Empowering Women and Girls

15:00 EST

 *Nancy Lubin*, CEO for DoSomething.org

Inspiring a New Generation




*Russ Volkman*, PhD, Founder, Publisher, Editor

Integral Leadership Review

Pursuing Global Challenges

16:00 EST


*Baroness Mary Goudie*, Member of the House of Lords

Empowering Women and Girls


*For more information on Global Pulse 2010 please click

* *

For press information or questions, please contact the Global Pulse 2010
Team at globalpulse2010 at usaid.gov.

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