[p2p-research] in what precisely, consists the 'financial' attacks against Greece

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 15:11:12 CEST 2010


 And what do AIG, the recent awards, SAIC’s entry onto the S&P 500, and
> Greece’s impending bankruptcy all have in common? Let’s just say that
> bankruptcy has a remarkable and negative impact on intentional obscurity –
> particularly those associated with missing money. The government couldn’t
> let AIG fail, not because it was vital to the economy. Rather, it was vital
> to preserving secrecy of transactions that the government and its
> shareholders never wanted in the light of day. SAIC, in their most recent
> financial statement<http://investors.saic.com/secfiling.cfm?filingID=1193125-09-249604> (page
> 16 and following) has conveniently shared the spotlight of corrupt practices
> with Siemens building the case for the fact that they are potentially the
> victims (clearly not the perpetrators) of corrupt transactions associated
> with Olympic security contracts. And, when the EU has to review the
> financial transactions of the Greek government per euro policies, won’t it
> be interesting to see where SAIC’s $120 million showed up on the books?

> <http://invertedalchemy.blogspot.com/2009/12/archimedean-theorem-iii-obscuritys.html>

I wonder if one of this weekend’s editorial writers has more knowledge of
the contents of e-mails then first meets the eye. After all, Eliot Spitzer
was New York State’s Attorney General on October 20, 2005 when Bulf Oil,
that mysterious oil-for-food company was convicted of grand larceny. For
those of you not familiar with it, the “Romanian Company” Bulf Oil – is one
of the most fascinating untold stories of the run-up to the Iraq war. Even
more fascinating is theReston, Virginia trading company, Midway Oil Trading
Inc <http://manhattanda.org/whatsnew/press/2005-10-20.shtml>., which wired
funds through one or more New York banks to subsidize the oil-for-food scam.
Midway Oil Trading Inc. reportedly had offices in Virginia, Switzerland and
Greece. Wouldn’t it be interesting to find out whether any of the folks
implicated in the web of obscurity actually were outed by bankruptcy?

Let me be blunt. The real story of the bailout is not one of
“too-big-to-fail”. Rather it is one of “too-many-skeletons-in-the-closet”.
So we arrive at Archimedean Theorem III – Accountability and Transparency
are the ultimate arbiters of public good. As we have seen with carbon credit
indulgences, Olympic security for games 5 years over, oil-for-food, peace
through war, and Copenhagen’s absurd conclusion, when subterfuge and
obscurity are utilities of choice, no public good will follow. Yes, we need
the AIG bailout records. Yes, we need the Federal Reserve audit. Yes we need
genuine accountability for the propagation of a war that has NOTHING to do
with freedom. Obscurity’s days are numbered as long as you, the reader,
decide to wake up. If not, this blog, and my efforts serve as an epitaph on
us all. WAKE UP!


“It’s no longer possible for a country to collapse in isolation. Now we all

The only path to stability is to equalize the consumption rates of the first
and developing world. Our dream is no longer possible in the new world.” -
Jared Diamond March 2010

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Dafermos, George <G.N.Dafermos at tudelft.nl>wrote:

> word has it that soon greece will be under the custody of the international
> monetary fund...thus opening up a new cycle of great profiteering schemes..
> g.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org on behalf of Michel Bauwens
> Sent: Fri 4/9/2010 9:18 AM
> To: Peer-To-Peer Research List
> Subject: [p2p-research] in what precisely,consists the 'financial' attacks
> against Greece
> A friend of mine asked to know with precision what is meant by the phrase
> that financial powers are 'attacking' Greece,
> anybody with expertise or pointers?
> Michel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
> Date: 2010/3/30
> Subject: articles in french - pdf - related to Greece and Goldman Sachs -
> Canard Enchaine
> To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> in attachment - I did not find any direct link as the site of the newspaper
> does not seem to have as policy to publish them online...
> ( http://www.lecanardenchaine.fr/ )
> but some meager references to the articles in attachment on other places on
> the net...
>  Le Canard enchainé -
> 2010.02.24<
> http://www.binsearch.info/?server=&max=250&g=alt.binaries.ebook.french&a=Le+Grand+Schtroumpf+%3Cunknown%3E
> >
> -
> "Les dernières recettes des banques pour plumer leurs clients"
> ainsi que pour le deuxieme,
> Le Canard enchaîné - mercredi 24 février
> 2010<http://pascal.ledisque.free.fr/wordpress/?p=2810>
>  , "La banque qui ne dit jamais non".
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Marc Gilson <marc1gilson at gmail.com>
> Date: 2010/3/29
> Subject: [gtm] Partagez SVP: joyeusetés bancaires : suite
> To:
>  Bonjour à tous les promoteurs de Progrès !
> Merci de bien vouloir *Partager = Participer et/ou Diffuser.
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> Pour ne recevoir que *quelques thèmes, choisissez-les assez
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> *, pour ne rien perdre d'important
>     __________________________________
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chavalle Jean Jacques <cjjclm at yahoo.fr>
> Date: 26 févr. 2010 13:29
> Subject: joyeusetés bancaires : suite
> To:
> --------------------
> Le Paradis n'est pas naturel, c'est l'Enfer qui l'est :
> Il est toujours plus facile de détruire que de construire, de salir que de
> nettoyer,
> d'inventer un mensonge que de chercher la vérité, de tricher que de
> respecter,
> de voler que de travailler, de fiche une baffe que d'expliquer, de violer
> que de faire l'amour, ...
> En somme: Toujours plus facile de faire le mal que le bien !
> Le paradis est un rêve, un espoir potentiel à réaliser, par la force de nos
> seules volontés, mais partagées,
> pour contourner le désespoir de la réalité actuelle, naturellement
> infernale, de la Loi de la Jungle :
> Je te bouffe ou tu me bouffes.
> --
> Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think
> thank:
> http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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