[p2p-research] CFP: Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in Wikis

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 11:32:57 CEST 2010

hi smari,

do you have some time to revive the p2p research cluster, by publishing this
kind of info on the page?


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Tere Vadén <tere.vaden at uta.fi> wrote:

> Call for papers (open until May 15., 2010):
> Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in Wikis
> A session in The 2nd International Power & Knowledge Conference, Tampere,
> Finland. September 6-8, 2010
> http://tinyurl.com/yfvgyh6
> The collective knowledge creation on various wiki-sites, including the
> massively popular Wikipedia, is having a profound effect on the social and
> epistemological conditions of public information. Distributed collaboration,
> possible anonymity, radical equality and global reach of wikified
> information lead to a situation that at the same time democratizes knowledge
> production by leveling hierarchies of expertise and increases the postmodern
> condition of reflective uncertainty. Everybody knows that the Wikipedia can
> not be trusted in the same way as, say, the Encyclopedia Britannica, yet
> over 100 million people utilize the Wikipedia daily. The 'edit' and
> 'history' buttons ever present on wiki pages are already starting to exert
> pressure on information presented elsewhere. For instance, the negotiations
> on what information to include and how the information should be presented
> in various Wikipedia entries constitute a huge experiment in the use of
> public reason à la Kant. Consequently, the dynamics of collective
> collaboration also bring out questions on the nature of rationality and
> plurality of knowledge. Wikis provide ready made windows into the
> dialectical interplay between knowledge creation and issues of identity,
> social inclusion, authority, and the interface between information and
> politics.
> The session invites contributions discussing these themes through
> theoretical reflection and/or empirical case studies. Abstracts should be
> between 150-200 words of length.
> Abstract submission: http://tinyurl.com/yk98dgk
> Organizers & more information:
> Tere Vadén, tere.vaden at uta.fi , Teemu Mikkonen, teemu.mikkonen at uta.fi,
> Juha Suoranta juha.suoranta at uta.fi
> _______________________________________________
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> p2presearch at listcultures.org
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Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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