[p2p-research] Great article by Shirky: What "people must pay for content" really means

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Wed Apr 7 00:44:04 CEST 2010


Clay Shirky's latest broadside, "The Collapse of Complex Business Models," is as incandescent as ever. It's a thoughtful and provocative piece on the way that "high quality" products (which are also complex and expensive) reach diminishing returns, where they are being made ever-more complex without any rise in value, because the institutions that made them don't know how to be less complex. It's a great commentary on walled gardens, paywalls, and the reflexive entertainment industry sneer that YouTube is made out of nothing but priceless pirated media and worthless videos of cats. 

The Collapse of Complex Business Models <http://www.shirky.com/weblog/2010/04/the-collapse-of-complex-business-models/>  


 <http://ads.pheedo.com/click.phdo?s=cb2caf5895122d1801907c9f731428b7&p=1>   <http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/boingboing/iBag/~4/3786k1KUA7s> 


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