[p2p-research] Re(interest, credit): [Commoning] Re(markets without capital?): new post

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Mon Apr 5 19:54:41 CEST 2010

Andreas, Michel,

at least we should find a consensus that p2p economies might span
*different* approaches -  to the agreement between the participating

For me, all monetary forms of production (=with ex-post agreements) are
somewhat contradictory and not necessarily at the centeroiece of what I
want to see grow. But I respect all trials if they are somewhat
intelligent and not based on wrong assumptions (like the worst that money
could be used to measure  or represent labor - time)

It seems that at least there must be a consensus that p2p economy *cannot*
be totally identified with open money economies, and that there should be
*equal consideration* for ex-post and ex-ante forms of social economic

A last remark: there is no moral money without moratorium.

all the best


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