[p2p-research] shots in the dark/p2p article

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 14:25:31 CEST 2009

I have a brother who claims he has cured himself and others multiple times
from intractable conditions with prayers to certain specific Catholic
saints.  A prayer to that one won't work.  A prayer to this one will.  Who
knows?  Scientists would doubt it.  He's certain.  At some juncture
legitimacy is a personal issue.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> non-scientific sample,
>  - as a youth I had chronic sinusitis, asthmatic bronchities ... went to
> dozens of "scientific doctors", tried vaccines, got tonnes of anti-biotics
> and who knows what  ... nothing helped ... until I tried homeopathy in
> despair ... after about 2 months it was gone and has remained so for the
> rest of my life ...
> - I had to go to a long trekking in the mountains of Krete, and was worried
> about both my mosquito phobia and a allergy to their bites (huge red
> bubbles, extremely itchy), this had been a problem throughout my youth ...
> my homeopath gave me a concoction ... what happened in Krete: my neighbours
> average about 30-40  bites each night (yes, it was hell), I had 2-3  .. and,
> the allergy was gone for ever ... to this day, mosquite bites only register
> as tiny little dots ...
> If you go to the homeopathic associations, entirely staffted by
> scientifically trained doctors by the way, they have dozens of big books
> with thousands of pages of double bind studies ... there is only one
> condition: you have to research with the philosophy of homeopathy in mind
> (which is: no one medication per symptom, BUT one medication towards the
> combination of sympton and individual characteristics ...). Of course, this
> is something pharma research, based on another paradigm, steadfastly refuses
> to do ... (little known fact, homeopathic doctors live about a half dozen
> years longers than classical physicians ...)
> As for chiropraxy/osteopathy ...  if it is so bad, why are classic
> physicians using it, but just changing the name ("manual theraphy"). The
> truth is, if you have back pain, and you go to 'scientific doctors", they
> will shot you through with medication and you'll end up at surgery, and
> you'll be in pain for the rest of the life ... If that is the price you want
> to pay to keep your faith in this type of science, good luck to you ... Or
> if you are open to your own and others' experience and testimonies, and want
> to get rid of your backpain, while improving your posture and overall health
> .. well, welcome to the club ...
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Paul...
>> I am honestly not trying to pick fights, but again, homeopathy is probably
>> the single issue after vaccines that keeps the physician bloggers busy.
>> They are ruthless is debunking its claims.  In third place is
>> chiropractory.  To me the physicians' are compelling, but there are a lot of
>> homeopathy users out there.  On the other hand, something like 15% of the US
>> electorate wonders inconclusively if Obama is the anti-Christ.  So I'm not
>> sure numbers make much of an argument in this case.
>> Ryan
>>  "Successful Use of Homeopathy In Over 2.5 Million People Reported From
>>> Cuba"
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Ryan Lanham
rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
P.O. Box 633
Grand Cayman, KY1-1303
Cayman Islands
(345) 916-1712
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