[p2p-research] Fwd: Supernova 2009 -- More than just a conference!

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 12:17:53 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Werbach <kevin at supernovagroup.net>
Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 9:04 PM
Subject: Supernova 2009 -- More than just a conference!
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

<http://supernovahub.com/feed/>   *REGISTER
*$500 earlybird discount
expires October 16.*

*Speakers include: <http://www.supernovahub.com/speakers>*

*Andrew McLaughlin*
* Deputy United States CTO

**Chris Anderson*
*Editor in Chief, Wired*

*danah boyd*
*Microsoft Research*

*Robin Chase*
* Founder, Zipcar and Goloco *

*Alec Ross*
* Innovation Advisor, State Dept.*

*Jonathan Zittrain*
*Professor, Harvard Law School*

*Werner Vogels*
*CTO, Amazon *

*Ellen Levy*
* VP, Corporate Dev., LinkedIn*

*Harriet Pearson*
* Chief Privacy Officer, IBM*

*Peter Guber*
* CEO, Mandalay Entertainment*

*Phil McKinney*
* CTO, Personal Systems, HP*

*Esther Dyson*
*Founder, EDventure*

*Alex MacGillivray*
*General Counsel, Twitter*

*Anna Gomez*
*Deputy Asst. Sec. of Commerce*

*John Hagel*
* Deloitte Center for the Edge*

*Umair Haque*
* Havas Media Lab*

*Eric Bradlow*
*Professor, Wharton*

*JP Rangaswami*
* Chief Scientist, BT Group*

*Karl Ulrich*
* Professor, Wharton*

*Adam Greenfield*
* Head of Design Direction, Nokia*

*David Weinberger*
* Berkman Center*

*Susan Wu*
* CEO, Ohai*

*Adam Werbach*
* CEO, Saatchi S*

[image: Wharton] <http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/>   *Supernova 2009: More
Than a Conference*

There are many events that feature technology executives, but Supernova is
unique. It's the only forum that broadly extends its network to include
thought-leaders from business, technology, academia and government. And it's
an ongoing network of interactions far beyond the three days of the

Find out more about who is coming to Supernova 2009 and what they're saying
at: *www.supernovahub.com* <http://www.supernovahub.com>.


*Network Age Briefing Calls*

Join the forum now for a weekly interactive teleconference series with top
thinkers on Supernova Network Age Briefings. You can participate in the
conversations through the *Supernova Channel at Blog Talk
Upcoming calls include:

   - Oct 1 – Cory
   * (Former head of digital, EMI Music)*
   - Oct 8 – Laura
   * (Social media expert)*
   - Oct 15 – Adam
   * (Head of design direction, Nokia)*
   - Oct 29 – Bradley Horowitz
   <http://supernovahub.com/conversation/network-age-briefings/>*(Head of
   social apps, Google)*

To be notified about the Network Age Briefings on a regular basis, please
use our Supernova *opt-in signup form* <http://www.supernovahub.com/signup/>.


*New! Continuing Legal Education Track*

Legal and policy issues have a strong influence on the development of
technologies businesses, and vice versa. For the first time, we are offering
a *Legal Track* <http://www.supernovahub.com/legal-track>, co-hosted by the
High-Tech Law Institute, providing lawyers with 6 hours of California CLE

This unique "conference within a conference" will provide both lawyers and
businesspeople with valuable information and networking opportunities.
Session topics include:

   - *Social Networking in the Workplace*
   - *Updating Copyright: A Fair (Use) Fight? *
   - *Trademarks and Intermediaries*
   - *Mobile and Location-Based Services: Can you see me now?*
   - *Privacy and the Social Web*
   - *Broaderband: What Comes After Universal Connectivity?*
   - *Government's New Deal*

To sign up, use the conference *Registration
with the Priority Code "CLE".

*Insights on FCC Actions Affecting You*

The Federal Communications Commission is making critical decisions about
broadband policy, wireless rules, and network neutrality. These will
significantly affect every Internet company, but few outside of Washington
DC understand the implications.

Supernova offers unique insights on the FCC through exclusive interviews
with FCC CTO Jon Peha and Broadband Initiative director Blair Levin on
the Supernova
Hub <http://www.supernovahub.com/conversation/> and David Weinberger's new
weekly series, Broadband Strategy Week<http://www.broadbandstrategyweek.com>.
And we'll be bringing key FCC policymakers to San Francisco for the
Supernova conference in December.


*Join the Conversation!*

Supernova embraces social media. You won't have to wait until the conference
to start networking with our growing community. Get plugged in by joining
our *Facebook Group* <http://bit.ly/KqglM> and RSVP for the conference
event <http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=87460557581>* or
* pages. Contribute photos on
watch our industry
*video interviews* <http://www.youtube.com/SupernovaHub>.

To join the conversation, comment on our
follow us on *Twitter @supernovahub* <http://twitter.com/supernovahub>,
tweet with hashtag *#supernovahub*, and see all our streams on


*Don't Miss Your Opportunity*

*Register* <https://supernovahub.com/registration/register.php> by October
16th for a $500 discount off the $1995 registration fee.

To explore integrated speaking, blogging and sponsorship opportunities,
please contact Jeanne Logozzo <jlogo at supernovagroup.net>.


* We hope you'll join us!*

-Kevin Werbach, Jeanne Logozzo and the Supernova Team


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Supernova Group | 825 Stoke Road | Villanova | PA | 19085

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
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P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

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