[p2p-research] 10 Reasons

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 15:13:13 CEST 2009

Interesting how the common good bias is coming into this discussion...

Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: 10 Reasons via Accelerating
Future by Michael Anissimov on 9/25/09

My “10 Reasons” document from August 2004 is getting some great play on
StumbleUpon and other venues. 5,000 visits so far this month. Check out
my “10 Reasons to Develop Safe Artificial Intelligence”:

1. Because human cultures aren’t exotic enough.
2. Because intelligence should be fluid, not rigid.
3. Because we need someone to help us organize the data we’re drowning
4. Because aliens aren’t showing up, we should make our own.
5. Because a virtual world would be a cool place to grow up in.
6. Because we need new perspectives and thinkers.
7. Because it would be interesting to engineer new emotions.
8. Because sci-fi stereotypes need to be shattered.
9. Because humans are often biased away from the common good.
10. Because AI is coming whether we like it or not, so it might as well
be safe.

Ironic that Jamais Cascio has accused Singularitarians like myself as
not being interested in culture. It’s not a matter of dancing, it’s a
matter of survival. If we do not program the first recursively
self-improving seed AI appropriately, we will all perish. And death is
so final.

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