[p2p-research] Fwd: [Autonomo.us] Better alternatives than Google for calendar syncing

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 07:36:14 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RhinoKitty <rhinokitty at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 5:00 AM
Subject: [Autonomo.us] Better alternatives than Google for calendar syncing
To: "autonomo.us" <discuss at lists.autonomo.us>

It still doesn't look like there is a fully functional and user friendly
AGPL online calendar, but for people who need a calendar that lives and
runs on a server instead of a client, two alternatives to Google
Calendar are at making an honest attempt to offer cloud computing that
respects user freedom:

The Chandler Hub:

and Davical:

Maybe this could be a good Autonom.us blog?

It could cover a quick and dirty TOS analysis of what is better (than
Google) about these two projects and an overview of their features,
moving on to some suggestions about how they could break new ground by
updating their user agreements to reflect the sentiments of the Franklin
Street Statement?

I am an advocate of Software (and other) Freedoms and a novice Gnu/Linux
nut.  I work at an NGO as a web producer and struggle daily internally
and in the larger nonprofit sector for the greater adoption of FLOSS.  I
would be happy to write or collaborate on a piece, if this is an
interesting topic to the people running the Autonom.us blog.

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Discuss at lists.autonomo.us

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