[p2p-research] Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us by Ralph Nader

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Thu Sep 24 05:54:00 CEST 2009

That's the name of a new novel by Ralph Nader, not my position. :-)

"This extraordinary story, written by the author who knows the most about 
citizen action, returns us to the literature of American social movements—to 
Edward Bellamy, to Upton Sinclair, to John Steinbeck, to Stephen 
Crane—reminding us in the process that changing the body politic of America 
starts with imagination."

"Over the years, I have spoken to many super-rich and found many of them 
discouraged and saddened about our nation’s inability to solve major 
problems—a society paralyzed because the few have too much political and 
economic power over the many."

"Ralph Nader has been many things: lawyer, consumer-rights bulldog, 
political activist and perennial third-party presidential candidate. He has 
now added a new title to his business card: fiction writer. His latest book, 
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!, is a 700-page populist fantasy in which a 
small group of billionaires and media moguls — led by Warren Buffett and 
including Ted Turner, George Soros, Bill Cosby, Yoko Ono and Phil Donahue — 
pool their massive resources to reform the U.S. With the help of a $15 
billion war chest and a p.r. campaign starring a talking parrot, the group 
successfully unionizes Walmart, ends corporate influence on Congress, makes 
Warren Beatty the governor of California and legalizes industrial hemp. TIME 
talked to Nader about the origins of his book, its celebrity characters and 
the U.S.'s real-life political battles. "

Just a reminder, some non-fiction posted here by me: :-)
"[p2p-research] Basic income from a millionaire's perspective?"
Although that essay is from considering the perspective of the USA's 
millions of millionaires, not its dozens of billionaires.

--Paul Fernhout

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