[p2p-research] Fwd: FW: Studies in Evil Media: October 7th at UEL

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 18:03:11 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Phoebe Moore <P.Moore at salford.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 5:45 PM
Subject: FW: Studies in Evil Media: October 7th at UEL
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com, Goddard Michael <M.N.Goddard at salford.ac.uk>,
Halligan Benjamin <B.Halligan at salford.ac.uk>, Felicity Colman <
F.Colman at mmu.ac.uk>

 Oh my, I really really want to go to this!!! I wish I weren’t teaching that


 *From:* Post-structuralist theory and radical politics [mailto:
POSTSTRUC-RADPOLS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] *On Behalf Of *Jeremy Gilbert
*Sent:* 22 September 2009 21:51
*Subject:* Studies in Evil Media: October 7th at UEL

University of East London School of Humanities and Social Sciences and
Centre for Cultural Studies Research present

*Studies in Evil Media*

October 7th 2009


University of East London

Docklands Campus

(Cyprus DLR - the station is literally at the campus)

Room EB.3.19 (third floor, main building, turn left on entering main square
from station)

All Welcome

Matthew Fuller (Goldsmiths: Author of Media Ecologies)
& Andrew Goffey (Middlesex University: Translator of Isabelle Stengers’
Capitalist Sorcery)

*Evil Media*

Evil Media updates Machiavelli's 'The Prince' for the era of networked
digital media and corporate governance. Addressing a range of objects,
practices, techniques and knowledges traditionally excluded from the purview
of media studies, it explores the sophistry that is quite literally embodied
by the sophisticated technologies of the knowledge economy. 'Evil'
explicitly references the antagonistic ethical and moral quality that an
epoch gorging itself on progress has sought unsuccessfully to banish; and so
Evil Media offers a useful prospectus of the ruses, subterfuges, deception,
manipulation and trickery which media technics make possible and effective.
 By adopting a perspective which counters the idealistic, liberal,
assumptions encoded within the notion of representation or facilitation and
enabling, it aims to re-situate the study of media within a framework which
includes forms of media that are 'below the radar' of most contemporary
theory and actively occluded by the framework of representation.  Here,
media do not so much tell us about things, but are themselves things that
exhibit behaviours.

Tony Sampson (University of East London: Author of Virality:Contagion Theory
in the Age of Networks)

*New Media Hypnosis*

Drawing on the microsociology of Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904), and a number of
other "Tardean scholars", this presentation approaches the idea that new
media landscapes function increasingly as a mode of hypnotic mass
persuasion. Significantly, this is not a sociological perspective that
concerns itself with rational, self-contained individuals, or indeed society
as a whole, but rather responds to what one viral marketer (following a
decidedly similar trajectory to Tarde) recently referred to as 'the
invisible currents that run
between and among consumers'. These 'invisible currents', affective
contagions (Thrift, 2007), or the radiation of imitation-suggestibility, as
Tarde termed it, work at the intersections between attention inattention,
cognition/noncognition, social/biological domains and
The talk focuses on examples taken from the new science of
networks,epidemiology, HCI, emotional design, affective computing, eye
tracking technology, neuromarketing and evil media studies.

Respondent: Paul Gormley
(University of East London: Author of The New Brutality Film: Race and
Affect in Contemporary American Cinema)

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