[p2p-research] economic abundance textbook

Smári McCarthy smari at anarchism.is
Mon Sep 21 20:28:44 CEST 2009

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Did nobody else notice the irony in the fact that a textbook on
Abundance be made artificially scarce? If the authors truly understood
the topic they're preaching here, they would have made a PDF available
for download.

The economist's counterargument is "but we spent our scarce time writing
the book, and wish to be reimbursed"... and while that is a fine
argument and I fully support them in the venture to get more
artificially scarce money to buy more artificially scarce food, it
doesn't change the fact that they're staring right down the chamber of
the scarcity gun: by making this book thing artificially scarce they're
perpetuating a nonsensical system that, if abolished, would make this
particular book sell a whole lot more*.

  - Smári

* of course, the meaning of the word "sell" might change... :P

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> http://www.mesharpe.com/mall/resultsa.asp?Title=Economic+Abundance:+An+Introduction
> *Economic Abundance: An Introduction
> *Dear Professor,
> As a preferred customer, we would be delighted to send you a FREE exam
> copy of Economic Abundance: An Introduction, by Dugger and Peach, to
> consider for your course(s). To receive your copy, reply to this e-mail
> or contact me at Aviggiani at mesharpe.com <mailto:Aviggiani at mesharpe.com> 
> with your current course information, enrollment, decision date, and
> preferred shipping address.
> Most principles of economics texts are predicated narrowly on the
> concept of scarcity, but that is only one aspect of economics. This
> supplemental text for basic and intermediate level undergraduates
> provides a serious discussion of the concept of abundance—what it means,
> how we can move toward it, and what keeps us from doing so. For
> additional information and to view the table of contents, please click
> here
> <http://www.mesharpe.com/mall/resultsa.asp?Title=Economic+Abundance:+An+Introduction>.
> -- 
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