[p2p-research] what is the common conference

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 13:18:22 CEST 2009

*What is the Common?*

An International Conference


10-11 October 2009
University of Gothenburg
Submission deadline: September 5
Contact: info at kurrents.org

David HarveyYitzhak LaorJacques RancièreAntonio Negri
The list of keynotes may be subject to changes

New Sessions
• The Iranian Revolution 30 Years Later
• Constructing the Common in Contemporary China
• Conflictual Democracy and Institutional Production of Space

In the shadow of the global crisis of capitalism, the common, somehow
obliterated in the recent past, has emerged as an indispensable and central
notion. The conference addresses this notion both as a real movement and as
an already present horizon, a dynamic principle, for societal life. It is a
critical topic today, not only because the public, administrated by the
state, is reduced to expendable assets for regulating a supposedly
self-regulating machine called Market, but more importantly because the
emerging forms of the common impose themselves with an unprecedented acuity
and in opposition to the doxa of the private property.

The common refers not only to primary resources, such as water or ecological
conditions on a planetary level, but it is at the same time a political
force that traverses diverse fields of tension such as art and culture, law
and gender relations. The question "What is the Common?" is addressed as a
real agenda that conditions the thought. The conference is a program that
extends over 4 years. Each year will treat two themes. The conference 2009
will welcome papers related to the following two axes:

1. The Common and the Economy
Which are the specific emerging forms of the common today and what defines
its relation to the material conditions of production of values in
contemporary capitalism? Under this axis, both theoretical discussions and
case-specific investigations in areas such as autonomous popular
organisations, regional movements or global changes in one specific economic
sector are welcome.

2. The Philosophical Understanding of what the Common Is
The common has since Plato's Republic been a central question for the
philosophical thinking. What is the relation or non-relation between the
common and the totality of social relations? In which form and based upon
what ontological or existential categories does it emerge? What is the
difference between the common as the name of a real movement and the
nostalgies of the return to a simple life?

Submission Guidelines
We are welcoming papers from all disciplines regardless academic affiliation
or other background. All Interested researchers are required to submit an
abstract of no more than 500 words, not later than September 15. Submissions
via email must be in MS Word, RTF, or PDF format. Presentations will be
given in English. Presenters will each be given 30 minutes for their
presentation, followed by a 15 minutes discussion with the floor. Each
session will be appointed a chair. Please specify if you are interested to
chair a session. Number of sessions are limited to 8. If accepted, you will
be required to provide a complete version of your 10-15 page double-spaced
paper by January 1, 2010. Your abstract should not include your name, but do
include the following on a separate page: Name, paper title, affiliation
(university, other), email address. Submissions should be sent either by
electronic mail to: info at kurrents.org  or as a paper copy to: Sylva Frisk,
School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Box 700, SE-405 30
Goteborg, Sweden.

About the Organization
The conference is organized upon an original proposal by Dr Dariush Moaven
Doust. He is also responsible for the organization of the conference and the
head of the Scientific committee in which Tomas Jonsson, researcher at
CEFOS, Professor emeritus Sven-Eric Liedman, History of Ideas, Professor
Lennart Nilsson, CEFOS, Professor emeritus Jan Ling, Sylva Frisk, Director
of Studies at the School of Global Studies participate. The host for the
conference is the School of Global Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences.

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