[p2p-research] NATO proposes new era of cooperation with Russia | Reuters

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Fri Sep 18 15:49:56 CEST 2009

Some good news about working towards "mutual security":
"NATO proposed a new era of cooperation with the United States and Russia on 
Friday, calling for joint work on missile defense systems after Washington 
scrapped a planned anti-missile system."

Predictably, Obama's critics who seem to know nothing about cybernetics (see 
previous note) and how to deal with positive feedback loops driving arms 
race are critical of this. That's all part of why "War is a Racket":

But again, here is another case where cybernetics explains why the 
cybernetically-evolved "heart" is right, when the neo-conservative "head" 
can't understand why give its limited simplistic non-cybernetic model of the 

More on mutual security by Morton Deutsch:

   "The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice"

   "Transcript of an interview with Morton Deutsch"

--Paul Fernhout

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