[p2p-research] Fwd: factors of production

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 13:28:29 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: chris cook <cojock at hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:42 PM
Subject: RE: factors of production
To: Robin Smith
Hi Robin

Firstly, Location is a Commons, and has a use value. To me, those who have
an exclusive right of use of a Commons should compensate those that they
exclude. You assume that all of this use value derives from community
action, but that is not so IMHO. Apart from the value conferred by community
investment, or community consent to development (eg planning permission)
much of the use value is what I might call amenity value.

eg a waterside location; a rural location; a location on the 40th floor
rather than on the first, and so on.

Secondly, and forgive me for completely ignoring classical definitions of
Land, it is energy which is everything inside and outside the body, in
either material form (static energy) or dynamic form (kinetic energy, heat
energy, radiant energy and so on).

The forms of energy are related both by the classic relationships of
Thermodynamics but also - more importantly - by the quantum relationships
which lead to e= mc squared.

While the energy (material and dynamic) of our bodies is "ours" - in that we
more or less have control over it - do not forget that Society invests in
keeping it in good order. The privilege of good health and physical
condition justifies a payment to Society, I would argue, from the fruits of
use of our bodies.

Third, re knowledge, it is true that work/exertion is involved in recording
and documenting it as some kind of data representation, but I would argue
that it exists in our minds independently of the objectification process of
being recorded. The painter sees the image in his mind before and during the
process of committing it to canvas. Is that cognition of the image "work"? I
don't think it is.

I do not think that work, or exertion, is involved in the recognition of
patterns of knowledge: I don't think this recognition is a conscious
process. As I have said before, I might wake up with an idea which might
change the world, and "worth" incalculable sums in use value, but have done
no "work" in doing so. The work comes in the effort and exertion of
documenting and explaining the idea.

As HG pointed out, it is through the addition of experience (typically
involving exertion) that Knowledge develops into Skill.

The problem of course lies in adequate definitions. It always has done, and
we have become prisoners of definitions, not least the evolution of "Factors
of Production" which bear little relationship with reality, and are purely

As the physicist J A Wheeler put it "Reality is defined by the questions you
put to it". To me, it is self evident that Space/Time (ie 4D Location...a
good example being airport landing slots) and Energy are factors of

Location is relative: Energy is absolute.

Both are primary Factors of Production in that it is impossible for
production to occur without them.

Knowledge, on the other hand  consists of patterns on Reality which are
recognised consciously or subconsciously by human beings, and remembered
and/or recorded. Knowledge has always been there, and always will be there,
and is in my view a third Factor of Production, in that production is
impossible without it.

Best Regards

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