[p2p-research] Sellyourrights.com - Attempt to create cultural commons capture

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 05:12:52 CEST 2009

thanks Stan, I'll check the link,

I'm personally not against flexible sharing of CC, as long as we know it
does not create a commons, but is oriented towards personal sovereignity,


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Stan Rhodes <stanleyrhodes at gmail.com>wrote:

> I tend to figure any idea I've had has already occurred to someone else,
> and I always hope they're working on it, and I'll catch wind of it.  Sure
> enough, www.sellyourrights.com has appeared to offer to connect musicians
> who want a little money for their trouble, and fans wanting to keep culture
> free as a common resource.
> However, in my mind, having multiple Creative Commons licenses available is
> a mistake because:
> 1) the psychological difficulties of choice; the default is also extremely
> important, but ideally, it should be a single choice.  Richard Thaler has
> done plenty of research in this vein; I really wish Lawrence Lessig was
> familiar with it before making CC, because CC may have turned out quite
> differently.
> 2)  a culture commons, in my opinion, MUST be only attribution and
> share-alike, thus allowing commerical use.  I know Dmytri Kleiner would
> disagree, which is an interesting discussion in its own right, involving his
> idea of copyfarleft.
> 3-minor) you're not really selling your rights if it's kept in a commons,
> and if you still get to decide on the license.
> Despite my criticisms, this seems like a very promising development.  They
> can take a bounty and market system much farther, with ransoms for other
> existing works, reputation-based funding (putting your money where your
> likes are, and wearing it as a badge), and "the merchandise connection,"
> aka, real physical objects.  (To mention a few.)
> -- Stan
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