[p2p-research] Fwd: New partnership helps 20k creators meet 6k fabricators ...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 10:36:03 CEST 2009

Kevin, Paul,

would it be possible for one of you to write a little commentary to publish
on our blog, as this is too much of a commercial announcement?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Derek Elley | Ponoko <derek.elley at ponoko.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:58 PM
Subject: New partnership helps 20k creators meet 6k fabricators ...
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

Hey there Michel,
Thanks for your recent email. I trust you're doing well. We continue to be
stretched to the max, but achieving what we hope to be some great things.

So I thought you and your audience might be interested in the following ...
This partnership creates the largest network for product designs to be made
on demand locally.

Really happy to elaborate on our plans if you wish :)

All the best,


PS - here's our new digital making community home page ... www.ponoko.com


September 16, 2009


*Ponoko and ShopBot announce partnership*
*More than 20,000 online creators meet over 6,000 digital fabricators*

San Francisco, CA – The launch today of www.100kGarages.com begins a new
chapter in how things are made and distributed, enabling anyone with an
Internet connection to get almost anything custom made and delivered from
local state-of-the-art digital makers.

The website is a partnership between Ponoko, the world’s easiest making
system, and ShopBot, a world leader in the design of affordable,
digital making tools.

Using the 100kGarages website anyone can get their ideas made locally with
the click of a mouse, and delivered within just a few days. It is powered by
Ponoko’s online ‘click to make’ system and ShopBot digital fabricators in 54
countries around the world.

For the innovators who President Obama called “the risk takers, the doers,
and the makers of things”, 100kGarages is an exciting new service for
everyone who wants to get things made – by making it yourself or finding
someone to make it for you.

People are creating a wide range of products like tables, chairs, cabinets,
car parts, signage, boats, musical instruments, gaskets, sheds, housing and
all of those impossible to find things made from wood, plastic, metal and
composite materials.

“Ponoko’s making system gives our ShopBot owners the ability to receive a
new stream of work from a wide range of customers,” says ShopBot’s President
Ted Hall. “Our partnership also means everyone now has easy access to their
own local 3D fabricator. This is the first step to providing a solution for
the doers and makers out there who want to join in re-building America, one
garage at a time.”

To date over 30,000 DIY, hard to find and consumer goods have been made
using Ponoko. “Our online making system makes it easier than ever before to
turn ideas into real things,” says David ten Have, Ponoko’s CEO. “And
by partnering with ShopBot we bring together more than 20,000 creators and
over 6,000 fabricators to use a powerful online service to design, make and
deliver goods locally”.

>From today, anyone can visit www.100kGarages.com to get things custom made
by searching a map for a local garage workshop, or submitting a request and
choosing from bids placed by a range of ShopBot owners to make almost
anything. It’s free for everyone to search and submit requests, and for
fabricators to post profiles and bids.


Derek Elley
+1 415 335 4471 or +64 4 473 0031
derek.elley at ponoko.com

*ShopBot Tools*
Dave Minella
+1 919 680 4800
dave.m at shopbottools.com

*About Ponoko*
Ponoko, the world's easiest making system, is an online marketplace for
everyone to make real things. It’s where creators, digital fabricators,
materials suppliers and buyers meet to make almost anything. More than
30,000 user-generated designs have been instantly priced online, made and
delivered since Ponoko was selected to launch at TechCrunch40 in
2007. Ponoko has reinvented how goods are designed, made and distributed
leading to profiles in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, BBC
News, Financial Times, The Globe & Mail, WIRED Magazine, The International
Design Magazine and more. (www.ponoko.com).

*About ShopBot Tools*
ShopBot Tools designs and manufactures low-cost, high-value CNC tools for
digital fabrication of wood, plastic and aluminum products. With more than
6,000 ShopBots in thousands of shops in the US and 54 countries around the
world, ShopBot is one of the largest producers of CNC routers in North
America. (www.ShopBotTools.com).


Derek Elley
+64 21 88 66 81

*Ponoko* – the world's easiest making system
*NZ  *  +644 473 0031
*USA  *+1 415 335 4471


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