[p2p-research] OpenKollab Wednesday Meeting - Implementing P2P Currencies - 16 September at 8am PST / 11am EST / 3pm GMT in #openkollab on IRC Freenode

Matt Cooperrider mattcooperrider at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 16:24:35 CEST 2009

Dear Open Collaborators,

Tomorrow is our weekly open meeting in the #openkollab channel on IRC
Freenode.  Last week an excellent discussion on alternative currencies
emerged from the accidental assembly of interests and intentions on that
day.  Here's one insight:

<paulbhartzog> new currencies emerge when there is a lack of available
desired currency

There's no question that many of us working at the leading edge of
collaboration are short on funds.  I propose that we continue this
discussion this week, with an eye towards implementing a solution that helps
all achieve our research and development goals.

Some background:
   * Wall Street Journal piece explains the concept:
http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2009/09/09/the-currency-revolution/ (found via P2P
Foundation blog<http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/the-digital-currencies-are-here/2009/09/15>
   * Flowplace, a platform for issuing new currencies (just a demo):
http://flowplace.org (shared by OK regular gerryg)

We need your help to make this work.  Join us tomorrow.  Visit
http://openkollab.com for instructions on how to join, if you are not
familiar with IRC (or email me).

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