[p2p-research] Report: Virtual currency No. 1 digital goods purchase

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 03:14:58 CEST 2009

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Report: Virtual currency No. 1
digital goods purchase via Software, Interrupted by Dave Rosenberg on

New research from video game market research firm VGMarket sponsored by
Playspan reveals that gamers are actively making purchases to enhance
their gaming experience, with free-to-play games leading the way to
monetization. Playspan is a provider of monetization and payment
solutions for games and virtual worlds.

Three out of four virtual goods buyers purchased in-game currency in
the last 12 months and spent approximately $50 each. This statistic is
interesting to me as I am always surprised when users buy in to
currency that only works on one site. But, I suppose if it's the only
option then you will eventually give in.

Of further interest in the report is the fact that free-to-play games
may actually be monetizing better than MMOs (massive multiplayer online
games) and social networks.
- 58 percent made purchases in free-to-play (F2P) games over the last
12 months.
- 34 percent made purchases in MMOs.
- 23 percent made purchases in social network games.
- The average respondent is currently playing three online games and 80
percent report buying digital goods for their own use while 20 percent
said they purchase for gifts.
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