[p2p-research] Complementary Currencies 1.0 for Drupal released

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 21:31:05 CEST 2009

Of interest...

> Thanks for your interest in the Complementary Currencies for Drupal  
> project (formerly marketplace module), sometime in the last year*.  
> The module is now released, I would like to share with you the next  
> stage of the plan.
> I believe that the prevailing money system is at the root of most of  
> humanity's problems, (compare Alan Greenspan's recent remarks about  
> 'human nature')**. Therefore users of this module, especially early  
> adoptors, are part of a radical community which is pushing for  
> change totally outside of the normal political spectrums.
> The urgency I perceive cannot be understated as the Western economy  
> teeters on the brink. We desperately need a whole new box of  
> monetary tools. This software is the only usable software which  
> provides a pluggable mutual credit system into a social networking  
> framework. It is ideal for intentional communities, who have few  
> resources and who want to take responsibility for managing credit  
> between themselves. However as just one configuruable component in a  
> Drupal web application, its possibilities extend way beyond LETS- 
> like groups, and I want to make it a much more platform neutral  
> system.
> Some of our priorities are now:
> further abstracting the mutual credit engine to make it independent  
> of Drupal.
> external API, intertrading, multiple currencies, SMS, widgets, &  
> version 2.0!
> materials to support communities through the early stages of setting  
> up sustainable governance and management structures
> strategic marketing to help the project grow and safeguard the  
> project's future in a competitive environment
> off-the-shelf Drupal installations for specific purposes, such as LETS
> I am taking on two more interns so I can concentrate on the core of  
> the project. A sustainable funding model has yet to become apparent  
> from all this work, but it's clear that my having to finance it all  
> is a restraining factor.
> I do not have time to jump through the hoops of philanthropic  
> organisations or foundations nor inclination to explain how each  
> Euro is eked out. Nor will I put myself in anyone's debt in order to  
> produce software for the public good. I'm looking for business  
> opportunities which use this software. I can also accept gifts, or  
> sponsored development of specific features. If you wish to offer  
> other kinds of support, then please consider some of the following  
> actions:
> Forward this email to angel investors, venture capitalists,  
> celebrities etc
> include a software development component in funding proposals for  
> your project.
> read the shopping list, and write which is most important for you,  
> and how who you think should cover the costs
> show the sponsorship appeal  to someone rich, or tell us how to get  
> resources without slowing the pace
> commit to volunteering. We need Drupal building, drupal coding,  
> graphic design and organisational development skills at the moment.
> create a buzz - blog about us, talk about us, link to us (and tell  
> us that you did so).
> payment in kind - invite us to come and stay with your community for  
> a few weeks. We are itinerant and house-trained
> commission us at commercial rates to help with your site building,  
> or better, to improve the module for everyone.
> subscribe to the Complementary Currency software RSS feed
> We look forward to forging the the future of money with you!
> Matthew Slater
> http://matslats.net
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