[p2p-research] EU FP7 Public Sector of the Future

Phoebe pvm.doc at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 16:06:59 CEST 2009


Thanks for the emails, and I've emailed all on the FP7 googledocument but I
can also create a separate one.

In response to the points below, the European Commission looks for specific
proposals, and we'll need to narrow down the remit considerably. Michel's
suggestion for 'public/state support for social innovation by civil society'
is a broad category that sort of fits in to what is asked within the Public
Sector of the Future remit, and I remind him and other participants that the
*FP7 Cooperation Work Programme: Socio-Economic Sciences and the Human*ities


sets out clearly what is expected. I emphasised this section (more pasted

>Research should:
- Assess comparatively and, as much as possible quantitatively, the impact
of these "New Public Management" reforms on some important policy domains
such as, for instance, education, health, water, energy and transport, and
study whether they have been effective in delivering services compared to
previous policies and taking into account and responding to the needs of
citizens/users for social cohesion.

Finding and making comparative analyses toward public support for social
innovation will be appropriate as a part of the proposal, but we need to
narrow our focus to aspects of the public sector i.e. 'important policy
domains such as, for instance, education, health, water, energy and

Any thoughts?


2009/9/9 Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

> Dear PHoebe,
> I didn't see your comments in the document, so I'm answering them here,
> could you create a special google group for this intiative, so we don't have
> to bother the whole p2p research with details?
>  On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 8:29 PM, <pvm.doc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've shared a document with you:
>> EU FP7 Public Sector of the Future
>> http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARaYViL59NNLYWpiOHZwa3B2M25qXzYyY3FycWpnaGc&hl=en
>> It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this
>> document, just click the link above.
>> Dear all
>> Salford University is willing to be classified as the 'Leader' of the
>> project, and this means I will in effect manage the process. I am recruiting
>> Phil Smith to participate with me directly toward this process (due first
>> week of February 2010) as he lives here in Manchester.
>> I have met with Germaine, University of Salford's Research Officer, and we
>> will be proceeding with the relevant activities.  NW Development Agency
>> provides a very good step by step guide for applications.
>> Salford University has been chosen to host the following UK Research
>> Office FP7 Proposal Writing Training Event (all welcome!)...
>> http://www.ukro.ac.uk/subscriber_services/events/0910_events/index.htm#0910_pw
>> The first thing we need to do, however, is to decide exactly which area of
>> the public sector we want to focus on. There are several suggestions for
>> topics as well as sectors of the public sector in the '2010 Work Programme',
>> and I have highlighted below the section that we should address at this very
>> preliminary stage. Due to our backgrounds and areas of research I'd suggest
>> we look at education and skills and Lisbon Agenda processes as an area of
>> analysis. Any other suggestions are very welcome of course!!!!
>> Minutes from Meeting:
>>    * decide on what aspect/s of the public sector you will be focussing
>> on: base this on the expertise of your “core” colleagues and then build a
>> consortium that’s fills the gaps
> I would insist strongly that the core topic for us would be public/state
> support for social innovation by civil society
>>    * think about the geographical spread of the consortium. The EC like to
>> see a broad geographical coverage. Currently partners are biased towards NW
>> Europe but given the political background of central/Eastern Europe and the
>> comparisons and insights that can be drawn there, it seems evident that the
>> involvement of institutions there would be extremely beneficial
> I can find partners elswhere I think, I copying andrew in finland, pavlos
> in greece,
>>    * try and have partners with some FP7 experience as the Commission will
>> look at this (and it will no doubt make your life easier!). Also, there is
>> increasing emphasis on Impact so having partners with a range of contacts
>> and experience in dissemination is good. Think about the possible
>> involvement of ‘end users’ as well as universities
> the greek partner, cc pavlos of the re-public group, clearly seem to have
> that experience
>>    * the current ideas circulating mainly focus on the second aspect of
>> the what the Work Programme says the research should include i.e. the
>> assessment of innovative practices and the more “forward looking” angle. A
>> project should also address the comparative assessment of existing reforms.
> yes, I think we should focus on that forward looking angle, with policies
> like the one in Brest etc..
>> Let me know your thoughts.
>> Yours,
>> Phoebe
>> FP7 Cooperation Work Programme: Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
>> http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm?fuseaction=UserSite.FP7DetailsCallPage&call_id=253&act_code=SSH&ID_ACTIVITY=8#infopack
>> Funding scheme: Collaborative project (small or medium-scale focused
>> research
>> project)
>> Area 8.1.3. Strengthening policy coherence and coordination in Europe
>> Objective: The objective is to develop an understanding of the tensions
>> and trends that shape the role of the public sector in Europe and to provide
>> a knowledge base for the organization of European societies and public
>> services within them.
>> Expected impact Through research and networking projects will advance the
>> knowledge base that underpins the formulation and implementation of relevant
>> policies in Europe as regards the provision of public services. They will
>> achieve a critical mass of resources and involve relevant communities,
>> stakeholders, and practitioners in the research, with a view to assessing
>> the potential for innovations in public services and the likely changes
>> brought by such innovations in the organisation and size of public services.
>> Topics for small or medium-scale focused research projects:
>> SSH.2010.1.3-1 The public sector of the future
>> The European public sector (civil services and public utilities depending
>> on national and local definitions) has undergone major structural changes in
>> the last three decades under the influence of what has been dubbed as "New
>> Public Management", mainly inspired from a number of private management
>> models and practices. This transformation has entailed
>> important changes in the modes and instruments of public services
>> delivery, the tasks and
>> identity of civil servants, and the role of the state or local
>> authorities. "New Public Management" has often been criticised for mimicking
>> or lagging behind private management
>> without due recognition to the specificities of public services and for
>> being inward-looking
>> and as such ignoring the wider implications of the public sector policy
>> for social cohesion.
>> New approaches to the public sector, including contributions from
>> humanities, are therefore
>> needed and should enable to build public services that will address
>> effectively issues of social cohesion in the EU.
>> Page 13 of 62
>> Research should:
>> - Assess comparatively and, as much as possible quantitatively, the impact
>> of these "New Public Management" reforms on some important policy domains
>> such as, for instance, education, health, water, energy and transport, and
>> study whether they have been effective in delivering services compared to
>> previous policies and taking into account and responding to the needs of
>> citizens/users for social cohesion.
>> - Given the weight of these policies and the need for social innovation
>> with regard to new
>> social demands reflecting increasingly diverse citizens' life courses and
>> other social and
>> economic evolutions, also assess the potential for innovations in the
>> public services for
>> improved social cohesion, through relevant empirical studies of a number
>> of innovative
>> practices in public services. It should study how such innovations serve
>> the goals of social
>> cohesion or improve social cohesion and how they could impact on the size
>> and cost of the
>> public sector, the role, tasks and work organisation of civil and public
>> servants, the size of
>> private provision of public services in some sectoral policies, as well as
>> the relationships
>> between the public sector, politicians and citizens.
> --
> Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
> http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:
> http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Employment profile: http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/page/Phoebe_Moore

JCEPS--my recent article: UK Education, Employability and Everyday Life

Media Ecologies workshop, Nov 2009, Manchester

Manchester Film Cooperative: http://www.manchesterfilm.coop/
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