[p2p-research] never mind policy can filtering technology stop p2p?

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue Sep 8 15:50:49 CEST 2009

On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 10:29:03AM +0100, Tomas Rawlings wrote:

> I agree - not only that we'd see an evolution of that method; using cheap 
> and huge USB drives to swap and explosion of using online storage for 
> swapping, using darknets (private p2p networks) and so on.
> I am interested to know if anyone has any links as to technically how such 
> a system as being suggested by the British government and copyright lobby 
> would be implemented?

Easy. Mandatory ID (via smartcards) to go online, packet traceability (against
mix cascades), encryption escrow or outright outlawed encryption, personalized
watermarks, draconian legislation to enforce above.  

If they could mandate end to end encryption with DRM into your retina or 
cochlea (the last analog hole), they would go for it.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.ativel.com http://postbiota.org
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