[p2p-research] food jobs

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 01:13:17 CEST 2009

>> I'm remembering Sam suggesting a similar scenario for the U .S.
> I agree this is quite possible in the USA. I've mentioned something similar
> -- that going all organic might mean doubling the number of people in
> agriculture. But, with only 2% now in agrictulture, this would bring the USA
> up to 4%, or about another three million jobs. At about fifteen million
> unemployed, that leaves twelve million to go. :-)
> Say, guessing, four million people for green energy jobs. Still eight
> million to go, and that is after a complete radical restructuring of how
> food and energy are produced in the USA. :-)
> Sure, we should do it, but it is not enough.

Who's going to process, package, and deliver all of that food? Who is
going to create and execute self-sustaining business models based on
the waste products of food production (including compost and biofuel
production)? Who is going to create the machines/equipment, etc that
grow, process, package and deliver that food? Who is going to retrofit
empty buildings that are then employed to grow, process, package
locally grown foods that are otherwise not attainable in certain
seasons, in certain areas? Who is going to educate people on how to
manage these systems, how to identify emerging niche markets, how to
use open source software, designs, hardware, and knowledge to lower
entry costs into markets?  Is that enough work for 8 million, or do
you need some more examples?

Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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