[p2p-research] Pre-Workshop Questions: An Inquiry for a More Fruitful Workshop

Nathan Cravens knuggy at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 13:02:25 CEST 2009

Dear Presenters & Developers,

This is an open space. This part is a more specific open structure within
the open space. If this does not interest you, but rather explore another
area that does, or know of a better way we might better prepare for the
workshop, please present that to this space as a new topic. Answering or
adding to these questions will help others get to know you and better
understand what we discuss and develop before and after the workshop.

What would you like to achieve from the workshop?

Nathan Cravens:

   - A text document with a collection of methods used to incite
   - A listing of useful collaborative or communications platforms like
   facebook, twitter, Tent, IRC, Skype, ect
   - A roadmap describing how we integrate social collaboration and open
   manufacturing theories into a single platform, enabling better practices.
   - A determination of funding sources that may benefit from the open
   source integrated communications product we develop.
   - I'm seeking a fun time and lasting friendships

What is your study or development about?

Nathan Cravens:

   - I am researching to develop the foundational assumptions for an
   integrated platform and the platform itself that can meet all human needs.
   No less.
   - This means I often get stuck with my head in the clouds exploring a
   variety of theoretical abstractions. You help me keep my feet on the ground.
   Thank you.
   - I look forward to working with you to better ground those views into a
   viable platform.
   - I am preparing to present 'Remote Self Assembly or Full Automation -
   Will Material Abundance End Collaboration?' if I am able to properly develop
   the presentation and if we have time. In the event this is not properly
   developed in time or we do not have time to explore this area, or for
   whatever reason or not, see the working draft of that document anyway:
   - I will write an abstract for this subject area once that work is

How might my work be compatible with yours to construct this "Facebook" or
"Google" "on crack?"

*Workshop Questions as PreWorkshop Questions* *for a More Productive

Workshop questions originally intended to ask presenters and panelist can be
answered here before the workshop. These answers will then be presented and
properly cited at the workshop as we explore the area of interest these
questions and answers address.

*Panel 1. Social Collaboration Theory and Platform. *

Presenter Questions

Note: Questions written by Michel Bauwens with additions by Nathan Cravens

   - In as few words possible, what best inspires collaborative activity? What
   is your group's "secret sauce?"
   - What is lacking in present collaboration platforms?
   - What is the critique of existing corporate alternatives?
   - What are the underlying principles and building blocks of your own
   - Status: what has been achieved so far? At what rate are goals achieved?
   Describe what worked in your best experiences.
   - If possible: little mock-up of how it should look like as is or when
   - What is still crucial for future developments, what are the next steps?
   - Knowing what you do of other projects, where do you see collaboration
   can occur, and what would be the priorities within a context for

Nathan: Forgive me for not answering the above questions. My angle is more
one of open manufacturing.


   - Once all projects are presented, there should be a process for finding
   synergies. Facilitator: Sofia Bustamante
   - Followed by a five minute conclusion by each

Nathan: We can do this in some way on our discussion list.
Inspired by Michel's inquiry, I wrote the following panel questions:

 Panel Questions

   - In as few words possible, what have we determined best inspires
   collaborative activity? What contributes to the "secret sauce?"
   - What basic platform functions are required to secure what we've learned
   of optimal collaboration?
   - What standards can we agree on? Where is the text document link we can
   collaboratively write, spelling it out?
   - What do we call this open and adaptive collaborative organizationally
   transcendent platform we develop together?
      - OpenKollab

*Panel 2. Open Manufacturing Theory and Platform.*

Presenter Questions

Nathan: I will answer these in terms of 'Remote Self Assembly'. (
You will be asked to answer these questions in the context of your own work.
We will work together as a group to combine the best of our ideas from both
panels to form an integrated platform

   - In addition to your work, what is needed to have open manufacturing,
      - Nathan: A few pointers that come to mind are: transparency and
      adequate representations of knowledge. I address the need for
      cross-compatibility of various software and hardware standards in posing
      advancements in remote control by self assembly; a template that
will act as
      "water cooler" project I hope might apply to and further advance many
      different developmental works; including works indirectly related to the
      presentation described in that document.

   - What is the critique of existing state and corporate alternatives?
      - Nathan: Business stakeholders must become more aware of how
      technology affects economic activity, and the disadvantages this
causes paid
      work, which in turn diminishes the need for exchange trade. In turn, the
      state will have less ability to tax individuals or business in
      costly state services like public transport or neocolonialism. The
      alternatives under development must address these existing failures; and
      that business and state are themselves instigators of failure as
      economy dictates--with all due respect.
      - What are the underlying principles and building blocks of your own
      - Nathan: The belief that full disclosure makes for a better
      individual and something more deserving of the term: community.
      - Status: what has been achieved so far? At what rate are goals
   achieved? Describe what worked in your best experiences.
      - Nathan: My work is mostly theoretical today; the practical outcomes
      are forthcoming with rates of goal achievement as yet determined.
   - If possible: what might it look like like in practice?
      - Nathan: Pretty spiffy. I will insist a more descriptive answer from
      you! ;p
      - What is still crucial for future developments; what are the next
   steps; what amount of time (days, months, years) to achieve them with a
   defined amount and quality* *of developers and resources?
      - Nathan: If this group comes to a consensus that the demonstration
      expressed is a good idea; just off the top; the paper folding
demo could be
      in less than a year; the second part in 2-3 years; and the final
      demonstration in less than 5 years. Again, without much grounding, I will
      side with Gershenfeld and suspect we'll have Star Trek
replicators roughly
      20 years from now, *gratis* globally.
      - Where might these observations or reflections be applied?
      - Nathan: Hackerspaces, Transition Towns, Intentional Communities...


   - Once each project is presented, there should be a process for finding
   synergies. Facilitator: Smári McCarthy
   - Followed by a five minute conclusion by each

 *Panel Questions*

 What are the best known solutions or resources to solve the issue of...?

   - Water
   - Food
   - Energy
   - Communications
    - Manufacturing & Waste
   - Housing
   - Transport & Distribution
   - Urban and Suburban Regeneration
   - Education

Nathan: I authored these questions, but now in light of time, and
considering the wide array of information already covering these topics, to
use our limited about of time to answer these questions to any significant
degree would probably be a poor use of our time. It would be best, perhaps,
if we compile a list of links to knowledge resources found on the web for
each topic (like Water, Food, Energy, ect) then explore the 'best of' (which
will likely involve our own work) to determine which options would be best
before discussing these issues at the workshop. I suppose these areas are
not as abstract as my general interests would like; so I am not very
interested in exploring the answers to these areas. I hope that you might.

 Now that we've determined the solutions or resources to place our
attention, what standards can we come to consensus on? (This may include
agreeing on more than one standard per category.)

Nathan: Sam, Tav, Eddie, Smári, other software/hardware developers, I hope
you might address standards you intend on presenting so we might come to
some agreement before meeting in person.

 How will we manage and distribute resources as they become increasingly
common property, unable to use mechanisms of exchange trade such as wage
labor, barter, or currency?


   - Life must be a right. Therefore, the inability to 'earn' a living must
   not prevent anyone from living a comfortable life, as our moral duty ensures
   everyone, at minimum: access to neutral Internet, the ability to personally
   create or possess more than adequate water, food, housing, and protective
   clothing with the means to sustain them in a way that nurtures planetary
   ecologies and human sincerity.

 *Final Questions & Discussion Among Panel 1 & 2 *

   - Do social platform standards agree to open manufacturing standards?
   What compatibility or interoperable standards are needed?
   - What standards have we agree to?
   - What standards can we not agree to?
   - What standards have we overlooked or need to address later?
   - What software code or applications can we use to accelerate our goals?
   - What are we now preparing to further develop? What does our roadmap
   vision look like?
   - Where might we find sources for funding; individuals or organizations
   that might benefit from the fruit of our collective works?

Nathan: I was unable to answer these questions, but know those of you can,
so I decided to write them to see if you might.

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