[p2p-research] Distributed Currency Standards

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 18:20:27 CEST 2009

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Matt Boggs<matt at digiblade.com> wrote:
> ·         Michel: I will indeed add/use P2P explicitly in my project name,
> to indicate the linkage. Why would I not? J Also, regarding eCars; we have a
> full time master mechanic in house that will be converting generators\cars
> to run on biodiesel as well as DIY workshops. While electricity is the way
> to go, it is too new for most people. We will experiment with fuel
> cell\battery technology eventually. Our next door neighbor is Car-Go Battery
> (http://car-gobattery.com/) and they seem very open to our goals. I like the
> term ‘Godfather’ or better yet, 10 godfathers !
> ·         Nathan Cravens: I did look at Kew Bridge Eco Village. Interesting,
> but, indeed spontaneous and therefore possibly unstable. I await your report
> upon visiting the facility. Also, I like this quote you made to Sam Rose: ‘A
> global effort might be useful for what Paul referred to as
> "stigmergic" development in another thread.   Model p2p money software
> might be designed to be adopted by any local network that wanted to
> use it, and to be built on a modular basis.’ I think this to be the type of
> mind shifting path to P2P emergence to the masses.

I agree with the premise of what Nathan and Matt are stating here.

Perhaps we could use this thread as a launching point to create a
standard for distributed alternative currencies? So that, in any web
application, in any email list, anywhere online (including via sms, or
even devices like networked controllers) it is possible to securely
profile data, track origins, revisions, etc when appropriate, of an
alternative currency.

I think that an open digital currency standard could be realtively
simple and straight forward to start out with. It should be based on
the principles of plurality (many ways to interact with the same
thing) applied to diversity (many ways to interact among any different

At minimum, a distributed digital currency object should have the
following metadata:

- A unique id

- An way to identify the entity that issued the currency

- A way to query the object via http as a networked data object
(currency objects have URI's)

- The spec has ways to build URI based on local domain, so that URI
contains the unique id.

The idea is that I want to make it really easy to start a local
currency, but that I want to do it in a way that makes an
explosion/proliferation of currencies not be an issue, because they
work together by default. And, the spec that makes them work together
is really simple and minimal and as non-constrained as possible

This would also allow other parties to build value tracking, and other
systems on top of the data standard.

Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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