[p2p-research] Fwd: Resoc Update Message, needs reply please...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 17:41:54 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: michael albert <sysop at zmag.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:19 PM
Subject: Resoc Update Message, needs reply please...


So far the Reimagining Society Project (Resoc) has generated 145 essays on
vision and strategy plus hundreds of comments by readers and authors. This
is obviously quite an achievement and a clear sign of interest in pursuing
shared vision and strategy. We hope, however, that it is just the beginning
of what the project can ultimately accomplish.

   - For one thing, we hope other publishers will avail themselves of the
   content, in English or translated, however they may choose.

   - For another, however, we hope Resoc can move forward with discussions,
   polling, and perhaps even face to face sessions in the future, on the road
   to increasing clarity and unity about vision and strategy.

You can see Resoc's description and contents thus far at - *
http://www.zcommunications.org/zparecon/reimaginingsociety.htm*.  From that
Resoc top page you can, for example:

   - access a table of opening articles by author or by topic.

   - access a table listing all participants by country and also searchable
   by name, to fnd any particular participant, and the display includes, as
   well, links to each participant's contributions.

   - access summary information about the project, etc.

As a Resoc participant who has already written an opening article, we thank
you very much for that, *and we ask you to please visit the site and check
to be sure that your article appears properly.
We also ask you to *seriously consider articles by other participants, and
perhaps even comment on one or more* - the links for commenting are at the
bottom of any Resoc article you might read.

An observation of some importance is that thus far those who comment on
other participant's articles have tended to receive comments on on their own
article - those who don't comment on other people’s work, have tended to not
receive comments on their own.

You can easily see the most recent activity on Resoc from the top page of
ZNet ( http://www.zcommunications.org/znet), using the left menu entries for
Resoc Articles and for Resoc Comments.

Finally, as an author of an opening article, *we need your help regarding
the polling we will be doing in October. We hope to poll Resoc participants,
and probably also all site users, separately, regarding a series of proposed
commitments for a potential worthy new organization.
The idea is that you let us know if your article includes some easily
summarized principles, or visionary aims, or strategic commitments, that you
think a worthy international or national organization seeking a new society
ought to commit to, by sending them to us in the most succinct form you can.
We will take all that, and we will also go through articles ourselves as
well, and we will then extract from it all a set of beliefs/commitments
about each of which we will ask...

Do you think the above commitment (that we spell out, of course) is:

1 - So essential to activism that you would not be part of an organization
that did not broadly publicly agree on it
2 - Sufficiently desirable for activism so an organization broadly adopting
it would lean you toward participating, but would not be a prerequisite to
your participating
3 - Basically not of much consequence to you either way, so that whether an
organization subscribes to the point or not would have little or no effect
on your participating
4 - Sufficiently negative for an organization to adopt that it would deter
you a bit but it would not alone prevent you from participating
5 - So negative that any organization holding to the commitment would be one
you would for that reason not join

We hope that assembling your responses will allow us all to see areas of
relative unity and areas of sharp difference, so that further discussion can
address the latter, and perhaps so that there is enough shared agreement to
pursue additional paths forward.

Yours for Resoc,
Michael Albert and Bill Fletcher

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
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