[p2p-research] Michel; A question and some responses

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 06:24:22 CEST 2009

well, I guess we should have a name like 'god-persons' to be gender
inclusive really <g>, but you are right, the more the merrier

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Matt Boggs <matt at digiblade.com> wrote:

> ·         Michel: I will indeed add/use P2P explicitly in my project name,
> to indicate the linkage. Why would I not? J Also, regarding eCars; we have
> a full time master mechanic in house that will be converting generators\cars
> to run on biodiesel as well as DIY workshops. While electricity is the way
> to go, it is too new for most people. We will experiment with fuel
> cell\battery technology eventually. Our next door neighbor is Car-Go Battery
> (http://car-gobattery.com/) and they seem very open to our goals. I like
> the term ‘Godfather’ or better yet, 10 godfathers !
> ·         Nathan Cravens: I did look at Kew Bridge Eco Village.
> Interesting, but, indeed spontaneous and therefore possibly unstable. I
> await your report upon visiting the facility. Also, I like this quote you
> made to Sam Rose: ‘A global effort might be useful for what Paul referred
> to as
> "stigmergic" development in another thread.   Model p2p money software
> might be designed to be adopted by any local network that wanted to
> use it, and to be built on a modular basis.’ I think this to be the type of
> mind shifting path to P2P emergence to the masses.
> ·         Sam Rose: You defiantly seem to have ‘game’ going and I do
> believe there are many commonalities between our goals. Here are some
> responses:
> Looked at Drupel, sounds good on paper but I like what Nathan had to say in
> response. From your quote: ‘We are currently missing a standard for LETS to
> be used online’. Indeed we are, and I think that could be a very valuable
> tool for the P2P Foundation to develop in tandem with Dmitri’s online
> endeavors. I have a programmer now working with me on creating a magnetic
> strip card that can be adapted to be read from most POS systems to create
> exchanges\credits with commercial vendors. And a response to this quote;
> ‘LETS and P2P systems are not global, they tend to be more localized an
> situational. So, it is best to work towards optimizing what you need for
> your area and your project. If you use open standards and open source
> software, others can replicate what you are doing, and adapt it to their
> local conditions.’ I couldn’t agree more. The core failure I see from LETS
> systems is that they get too large for the founders and create
> disappointment\burnout. At the most basic level, P2P is person to person,
> neighborhood to neighborhood, but, not global. I could see another
> ‘Godfather’ project for the Foundation as determining statistically when a
> LETS pod needs to replicate before getting too big. My research has shown
> 300-500 max per pod. Of course, all pods are free to communicate\exchange
> with each other. Globalism shouldn’t come from top down but from many small
> but communicative groups.
> Well, that’s it for now; we unloaded a large truckload of old commercial
> refrigeration panels today to be re-serviced as interlocking partition
> walls. They look quite spiffy when a circular grinder polishes them up and
> they each have three to five inches of foam insulation between the steel
> frames. When it comes time to move, you simply ‘unlock’ and stack them. They
> are also very structurally sound enough to support a roof structure. I’m
> tired…
> Thanks for reading and responding,
> Matt

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