[p2p-research] Michel; A question and some responses

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Fri Sep 4 06:13:54 CEST 2009

.         Michel: I will indeed add/use P2P explicitly in my project name,
to indicate the linkage. Why would I not? J Also, regarding eCars; we have a
full time master mechanic in house that will be converting generators\cars
to run on biodiesel as well as DIY workshops. While electricity is the way
to go, it is too new for most people. We will experiment with fuel
cell\battery technology eventually. Our next door neighbor is Car-Go Battery
(http://car-gobattery.com/) and they seem very open to our goals. I like the
term 'Godfather' or better yet, 10 godfathers !


.         Nathan Cravens: I did look at Kew Bridge Eco Village. Interesting,
but, indeed spontaneous and therefore possibly unstable. I await your report
upon visiting the facility. Also, I like this quote you made to Sam Rose: 'A
global effort might be useful for what Paul referred to as

"stigmergic" development in another thread.   Model p2p money software

might be designed to be adopted by any local network that wanted to

use it, and to be built on a modular basis.' I think this to be the type of
mind shifting path to P2P emergence to the masses.


.         Sam Rose: You defiantly seem to have 'game' going and I do believe
there are many commonalities between our goals. Here are some responses:

Looked at Drupel, sounds good on paper but I like what Nathan had to say in
response. From your quote: 'We are currently missing a standard for LETS to
be used online'. Indeed we are, and I think that could be a very valuable
tool for the P2P Foundation to develop in tandem with Dmitri's online
endeavors. I have a programmer now working with me on creating a magnetic
strip card that can be adapted to be read from most POS systems to create
exchanges\credits with commercial vendors. And a response to this quote;
'LETS and P2P systems are not global, they tend to be more localized an
situational. So, it is best to work towards optimizing what you need for
your area and your project. If you use open standards and open source
software, others can replicate what you are doing, and adapt it to their
local conditions.' I couldn't agree more. The core failure I see from LETS
systems is that they get too large for the founders and create
disappointment\burnout. At the most basic level, P2P is person to person,
neighborhood to neighborhood, but, not global. I could see another
'Godfather' project for the Foundation as determining statistically when a
LETS pod needs to replicate before getting too big. My research has shown
300-500 max per pod. Of course, all pods are free to communicate\exchange
with each other. Globalism shouldn't come from top down but from many small
but communicative groups. 



Well, that's it for now; we unloaded a large truckload of old commercial
refrigeration panels today to be re-serviced as interlocking partition
walls. They look quite spiffy when a circular grinder polishes them up and
they each have three to five inches of foam insulation between the steel
frames. When it comes time to move, you simply 'unlock' and stack them. They
are also very structurally sound enough to support a roof structure. I'm


Thanks for reading and responding,






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