[p2p-research] Michel; A question

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Thu Sep 3 18:36:02 CEST 2009

> Thank You Peers,

I am emboldened by your kind and positive words of encouragement. The space
I am setting up in can be seen on Google Maps at the location: 3930 Blake
St. Denver, CO. It's an outdated picture but you can plainly see the
potential. Right now we are simply unloading equipment and building walls
and infrastructure. Next weekend I'll be attending the 'Slow Money'
Conference in Sante Fe NM. If there is interest from the group, I'll report
on it.

Lastly, I'll be sending personal and detailed notes to all of you who have
personally shown an interest as well as potential contacts that Michel has
mentioned to me. I look forward to a speedy and positive progress to this
project that has been on my mind for some time.

Thanks again,

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