[p2p-research] Michel; A question

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:06:12 CEST 2009

Matt, your project sounds awesome!

>> And now my question; I would like to accomplish these tasks with a minimal
>> amount of money.

There is substantial money to be had in food production. Specifically
aquaculture, and specialty crop production, with relatively low
startup cost. I know this is not the question you were asking, but I
thought I'd relay that because the project you are starting could
become self-sustaining by way of food production.

>> There will always be ‘hard costs’ but I feel this project
>> will be incomplete without the inclusion of some sort of organized system
>> like LETS, which I know you are familiar with. Why does the P2P Foundation
>> not start a non-money system? God knows, I’ve seen some great ideas shared
>> on the P2P list over the years. Here is what I envision: A social network (I
>> know you dislike that word) like MySpace, but includes a person’s social
>> currency value.

I don't know if Dmytri's idea would fit into the model of creating a
social network. What Dmytri's idea could be really useful for is
identifying emerging niches that can be served by small food
producers, open source hardware, open source software, etc (please
correct me if I am wrong on that Dmytri)

I also don't know if a clone of a social network is the best model for
what you are describing above. I say that because I have seen hundreds
of people think that they need to create a social network clone in
order to do what you are describing.

But, I don't think you are totally off-base. In fact, I'd suggest
using some existing open standards to do what you want to do: possibly
openID, FOAF, maybe OAUTH if access is an issue, and the option to
create the "identity" on a service site. This indentity could then be
hosted anywhere. No social networking site needed. And then, a
standard is needed for the LETS system that works with identity
standards. We are currently missing a standard for LETS to be used
online (other than Ripple Pay, I am not sure of any others that are

LETS and P2P systems are not global, they tend to be more localized an
situational. So, It is best to work towards optimizing what you need
for your area and your project. if you use open standards and open
source software, others can replicate what you are doing, and adapt it
to their local conditions.

>> That value, in the form of; what I can do and what I’ve done
>> for the community would be displayed as a graph. I would also throw in a
>> little bit of Craigslist as well for good measure while keeping the concept
>> of federal dollars out and social\time dollars in.

I think that Dante has experimented with Cyclos. How did that work Dante?

And, there is also http://drupal.org/project/marketplace  which looks
like it contains at least some of what you are suggesting. This could
work well for a tracking system for a currency that you found. I would
not try to build everything into one monolithic application, though,
as you will likely regret it later.

If you are involved in food production, I think we could work with you
in the Localfoodsystems project to get you some of this
infrastructure. I will need to check with them. Can you send me more
information about where you are at with the project, etc?

>> I believe the fastest way
>> to educate the people on P2P (bottom up) is getting them comfortable with a
>> system that is familiar but different enough to subtly change their mindset.
>> Anyway, Michel, I’ve wanted to write this note for some time. I figured
>> now was the best, as I’ve put both feet into this new project.
>> Matt
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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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