[p2p-research] Fwd: National Study on Speeding Digital Inclusion - Call for Responses

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 09:06:18 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sameer Kochhar <knowledge at skoch.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:01 PM
Subject: National Study on Speeding Digital Inclusion - Call for Responses
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

 Respected fellow traveller,

I am pleased to share with you that almost all the short term
recommendations that we had made in our study entitled Speeding Financial
Inclusion (complete report is downloadable
are echoed in the subsequent RBI Report of the Working Group to Review the
Business Correspondent
* *and Roadmap to Access to Banking Facility in Every Village by
Besides allowing Non Banking Finance Companies that are Micro-finance
Institutions as Business Correspondents, the report also recommends
implementing pilot projects with CSCs – a forbidden area so far. If
successful, some of these would go a long way in realizing poverty
eradication objectives. A begining has also been made in the area of
improving financial access through cash withdrawals at point of sales
A special cell looking into promoting financial inclusion has been set up in
the Ministry of Finance and we are hopeful that shortly a high level
committee/ mission may also be constituted by the government to look at this
area of national priority.

We are now embarking on our Part-II of the study in the series,
entitled *“Speeding
Digital Inclusion<http://app.e-campaigner.com/c/5906121/745/vybPiDd/7TVm?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.skoch.in%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26amp%3Bview%3Darticle%26amp%3Bid%3D1030%26amp%3BItemid%3D1290%26utm_source%3Decampaigner_email_marketing_system%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_content%3D5906121%26utm_campaign%3DNational%2520Study%2520on%2520Speeding%2520Digital%2520Inclusion%2520-%2520Call%2520for%2520Responses>
.”* Some of the issues to be examined are as follows:

   1. Where are we as a country on Universal Digital Access? E.g.
   e-readiness, telecom and broadband penetration, PC and kiosk penetration,
   e-services and Internet penetration etc.
   2. Examine how the Universal Digital Access can be converted into
   Universal Digital Inclusion that would create a virtuous bi-directional
   cycle of it leading to grassroots economic enablement and poverty
   alleviation (e.g. rural BPO, rural business hubs, better delivery of offline
   services using online resources etc.) and vice-versa.
   3. How Digital Inclusion can foster participatory democracy and better
   targeting and monitoring of social spending schemes?
   4. It examines the content supply chain, identifies gaps in areas like
   felt needs, and business case etc
   5. Revisits the role of Public Private Partnership and examines in what
   ways can this be structured/better harnessed to deliver outcomes.
   6. Examines use of mobility and other emerging technologies for reducing
   transaction costs and increasing penetration.

The study entails multi-stakeholder dialogues spanning, field visits,
research meetings, one-on-one interviews, e-discussions and a national
consultation. The national consultation is scheduled during the 21st Skoch
Summit – India @ Work
the 10-11 November 2009, New Delhi.The Summit is supported by the
Planning Commission, Ministry of Urban Development and the Department of
Information Technology.

The first research meeting in the series structured as a round table (by
invitation only) of about 35 domain experts drawn from academia, industry,
civil society and the cross-functional government departments is scheduled
on the 16th of September 2009, Jacaranda, India Habitat Center, 10:00-14:00

The second research meeting is on the subject of *"Information Security
Dimensions to National Security"* is also structured as a round table (by
invitiation only) and scheduled on the 14th of October 2009 at the India
Habitat Centre.
The Part-III of the the study (Dec'09)  will examinethe issue of "Speeding
Social Inclusion." The studies seek to understand multi-stakehoder points of
views and attempt a harmonization of these with the felt needs of the poor.

We are seeking responses from the
help us complete this exercise. The
the study and the
are available the Skoch

Your responses may please be emailed <info at skoch.org> to us. I would be most
grateful for your insights. We are open for responses/inputs till the 30th
September 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Sameer Kochhar
Skoch Development

A-222, Sushant Lok-I,

Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, India

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