[p2p-research] Fwd: What we'll be talking about... at web of change

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 06:26:04 CEST 2009

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From: Web of Change <info at webofchange.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 7:42 AM
Subject: What we'll be talking about...
To: Michaeel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

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Web of Change continues to catalyze systems change through our leading edge
workshops that embrace people, culture and technology. Our agenda is now
live! It will give you a sense what we will be exploring this year. Several
sessions are still in progress, so we look forward to updating you as these
emerge. If the topics below resonate with your biggest challenges (as they
do with ours), there is still room to
register<http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/kiuldh/itjihley/j>for Web
of Change 2009 today.
   Web of Change Agenda 2009 By Ali Turnbull on September 1, 2009
*System Shift: Using a Transformative Moment to Change the Game*

*Public Engagement Deep Think*
Set aside what you think you know about engagement, and take a look at some
paradigm-shifting research. We'll look at the barriers and opportunities in
public engagement, touching on cognitive linguistics, communications, social
values psychographic research, organizing theory, storytelling, UTheory, and
online marketing.

*Where is Online Advocacy Headed? *
What if you had 100 internet staffers in your organization? Do you know how
you would use them? Take a look down the road at where online advocacy is
headed, and some models of how successful organizations integrate their use
of the internet throughout their structure.

*Organizational Transformation *
What have we learned about the way successful organizations operate? Can we
go beyond fixing one organization at a time? What are the characteristics of
organizations that are excelling right now? Through several sessions we'll
explore models, learn transformation strategies, and begin to articulate our
community's innovative model for how smart, effective, tech-enabled
organizations can thrive in this new era.
*Open Systems: How Open Models are Changing Everything*

*Open Government *
The internet offers unprecedented opportunities to advance the causes of
transparency and accountability in government. Hear inspiring examples of
open government projects, and help envision and implement the next era in
open government.

*The Open Campaign Revolution*
Open campaigns are rapidly and radically changing everything we thought we
knew about campaigns. Learn how open campaigns have torn the doors off,
allowing supporters and organizations fully inside to create, innovate, and
extend. Engage in a juicy WOC discussion about open campaigns, what they are
effective, why they are hard, and why they matter.
*Culture, Systems, and People: The Underpinnings of Change*

*Is Technology the Great Equalizer?*
The prevalent meme in our tribe is that technology is the great equalizer.
Is that true? What would true equality look like? Who is being included and
who is being left out? How can we close the gaps? We'll engage in joint
inquiry, group and pair sharing, and some personal visioning and reflection.

*What Kind of World Do We Want to Create? *
If we landed on Mars tomorrow and had to start from scratch, do you know
what kind of world you would want to create? In some ways, technology and
new media represent a similar new frontier, opening up endless possibilities
for innovation, collaboration and ultimately transformation. How much
farther can we go if we allow ourselves to think really big?
*The Art + Science of Innovation: Merging Strategy and Tools*

*Behavioral Economics*
The past few years have seen a revolution in our understanding of how people
make decisions, including decisions about social engagement, advocacy and
charitable giving. Radical new insight into human behavior is turning many
of our cherished assumptions on their heads. We'll explore emotional vs.
intellectual messages, getting people to take the first step, and common
pitfalls to avoid.

*Technology and True Love (or at least commitment) — Integrated Engagement
Tracking *
We all know that people are the most important part of our work. We'll focus
on how to engage people in meaningful ways, remember why they liked us in
the first place, what they care about, what they have done, and what they
are willing to do. In other words, how to build lasting relationships!

*Reaching Beyond the “Supporter as ATM” Online Fundraising Model — The
Direct Marketing Elephant in the Room *
It goes without saying these are tough fundraising times, requiring
innovation for survival. The radical idea here is that innovation does not
mean more email solicitations. We'll look at treating donors as serious
program partners, increasing giving by developing high-touch relationships
with supporters, and creating a “remarkable” donor experience to promote
brand loyalty and “sneezing” among donors.

*Storytelling Kung Fu: Viral Secrets for Social Change *
Forget the "elevator pitch." What's your campaign's "lightning message"? Do
you have a mindshifting narrative that lights a spark for people and moves
them to action? We'll explore how compelling stories can inspire a big "aha"
moment, sample a series of cool multimedia projects and viral videos, and
take away practical hands-on tools to transform a mild-mannered,
self-conscious, what-we-do "elevator pitch" into a powerful, inspiring,
mindshifting narrative for change.*

*Design Strategy *
If you think design is just about drawing pretty pictures, think again.
Together with some of the leaders in innovative design for social change,
explore how a strong design strategy can transform the entire experience of
your target audience.

*Cut the Leash! — Mobile Activism *
What if all of your constituents always had their computers with them and
were ready to engage with your organization's work at any given moment?
Actually, that's sort of already happening, with little computers called
mobile phones. Hear some of the cutting edge ways organizations are
launching innovative campaigns using mobile apps or SMS activism. One lucky
attendee may even have a mobile app built for them during the session!
*The Web of Change Experience*

*Speed Geeking, Tool Sharing, Workshopping*
Web of Change is a participatory experience. Participate in the Speed Geek
session to quickly demonstrate a project and get feedback from the
community. Learn about some of the favorite emerging tools in the Tool
Share. Or put the bright minds of the Web Of Change community to work on
your project in the Project Workshops. The seeds of many a successful
project was sewn in the unique environment of Web Of Change.

*Leadership, Community and Dialogue*
Those who have been to Web of Change before know that some of the most
powerful moments can come when the entire WOC community joins together for
community dialogue, connection and relationship. Fun and interesting, deep
and thought-provoking, these memorable sessions help take full advantage of
the transformative atmosphere of the Web Of Change experience, with a focus
on bringing forth the inner side of leadership among those of us who seek
social transformation.

*Fun and relaxation*
The relaxing and breathtaking setting of the Hollyhock Retreat Centre, along
with a welcoming environment and legendary social gatherings, tend to send
Web of Changers home not only with inspiration for work, but also renewed
energy and valuable friendships.

With just 3-weeks to go, make sure you register
guarantee your place at Web of Change, Sept 23rd-27th!

As you can see, our list of
impressive, with strong representation from many leading international
NGO’s, as well as smaller progressive agencies with strong social change
mandates.  Our agenda reflects the diversity of our participant group and is
set to engage discussions and cross pollination of ideas, work and

There is still space available at this years Web of Change gathering.  For
more info, please contact us <info at webofchange.com> or find out how to register
here <http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/kiuldh/itjihley/d>.  Hope to see
you soon!
   From the Community Blog   Have Your Say  Badges &

Help us get the word out...
WOC sponsorship for Climate Change professionals

Free tuition available for Climate Changers!
WOC'ers love us! :) <http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/kiuldh/itjihley/u>

Inspired alumni make pledges...

 “The most interesting work I've done the past couple years traces itself to
WOC 2007 and the conversations, discussions, ideas, inspiration there and

— Ted Fickes
  [image: Get the Feed]<http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/kiuldh/itjihley/o>
<http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/kiuldh/itjihley/b>    [image: Web of
Change] <http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/kiuldh/itjihley/n> WOC

   - Greenpeace
   - Sea Change Strategies
   - Eco-Justice
   - Americans for Campaign Reform
   - Inter Pares
   - EchoDitto
   - Interaction Institute
   - Care2
   - BC Health Coalition
   - Capulet Communications
   - EarthRights International
   - Biro Creative
   - Monterey Bay Aquarium
   - The Uptake
   - ONE/NorthWest
   - Make Poverty History
   - Renewal Partners
   - Free Range Studios
   - Conservation International
   - Imagistics
   - David Suzuki Foundation
   - DharmaTech
   - 1Sky
   - Ode Magazine
   - Pivot Legal
   - Hoggan & Associates
   - Living Oceans Society
   - TechSoup Global
   - Clark Strategic Communications
   - WetCoast
   - National Council of La Raza
   - DeSmog Blog
   - Englin Consulting
   - DoSomething
   - Nitobi
   - Engage Joe
   - Advocacy Online
   - 350
   - Communicopia
   - Agentic Communications
   - Business Objects
   - Gott Advertising
   - National Film Board
   - The Pembina Institute

*Where:* Hollyhock Institute, Cortes Island, BC
*When:* September 23rd – 27th
*Registration:* email info at webofchange.com to be added to our invite list.
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[image: Your Community, Your Stories. Share your blog post or WOC
story.]<info at webofchange.com>
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Email Us<info at webofchange.com>

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