[p2p-research] Municipal P2P (was: The meaning and purpose of Profit)

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 17:17:17 CET 2009

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:

> Consider a person who invests part of their Urban Agriculture plot to
> allowing kids to come and learn about growing healthy foods as part of
> their school curriculum, then later gives access local homeless people
> to harvest the food grown by the students in exchange for a small
> amount labor/help in the Urban farm plot
That is very encouraging.  Thanks for the details.  And congratulations!

> No money has changed hands, no tracking, no profit, no price above
> cost etc. None of it This type of stuff is happening now.

The arrangement you describe is very valuable and in some ways even
more advanced than what I advocate because of it's simplicity.

On the other hand, I wonder how 'serious' production can be within
this form, and how far it can scale...

Could we produce milk (dairy), eggs (chicken care), bread (grinders,
mixers, ovens) and even a full consumer-owned restaurant (complete
kitchen) in this way?

Can we supply housing, water-works, sewer, transportation; could a
full city be run in this manner?

I'm not saying it cannot; I'm only wondering if it could, and if not,
then what troubles do you see that will need to be addressed to move
in that direction?

Patrick Anderson
Personal Sovereignty Foundation

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