[p2p-research] Media Ecologies and Postindustrial Production Programme

Phoebe pvm.doc at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 17:17:11 CET 2009

*Hi! Here is the programme for next week. Hope to see you here.




*3rd November, 2009*

*Innovation Forum*

*University of Salford, Greater Manchester*


*8.30 – 9.00:* *Coffee & Welcome*

*Atrium, ground floor***


*9.00 – 10.00: **Morning Keynote Address*

*Conference Room 1, 1st Floor*

*Michel Bauwens** *
Founder, P2P Foundation
Dhurakij Pundit University International College, Bangkok, Thailand

*An infrastructure for Open Everything*

The condition for a more free and equal association around common value
creation is the existence of distributed infrastructures that are
characterized by lower costs of entry. In this talk we will survey the
trends towards Open Everything, i.e. the conditions for such an
infrastructure to quality as "open," the enablers as expressed in a new type
of social charters, the typology of infrastructures being built, as well as
the kind of open practices that they enable.


*10.00 --10.15: Coffee (1st Floor outside Conference Room)*


*10.15 – 12.00: Morning sessions *

*PANEL 1 Conference Room 1, 1st Floor *

*Chair:* Michael Goddard


   - Tav Espian Blog <http://tav.espians.com/> & Mamading Ceesay
   * Espians. Web 4.0: Creating weapons of mass construction through a
   decentralised socio-economic-technological platform. *
   - Suresh Fernando & Matt Cooperrider; OpenKollab *Creating a
   Collaborative Platform to Connect Organizations with Aligned Missions –
   possibilities and challenges* Radical
   - Gary Copitch *Peoples Voice Media and Community Reporting*
   http://peoplesvoicemedia.co.uk/ <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/>

*PANEL 2 Board Room 1, 2nd floor *

*Chair: *Phoebe Moore


   - Steinn E. Sigurðarson *The threshold of confluence: why structural
   similarities, feeds, and simplicity are they keys to
interoperability* Profile
   - Mushin J. Schilling *Gaiaspace social/collaboration meshwork for State
   of the World Forum*
   - Ralf Schlatterbeck *Collaborative design: What should collaboration
   platforms look like? *Open Source consulting <http://www.runtux.com/>


*12.00 – 13.00 Discussions: Panels 1 and 2 convene in Conference Room
1, 1stFloor, with discussion facilitator: Sofia Bustamante
* London Creative Labs

*13.00 – 14.00 **Lunch *

*Lunch will be served in Atrium on ground floor *

*(FP7 registered participants’ lunch served in Board Room 1, 2nd floor, for
breakaway meeting with Salford University Research Officer Germaine Loader)*


*14.00 – 15.00: Afternoon Keynote Address*

*Conference Room 1, 1st Floor*

*Matthew Fuller*
Reader, Centre for Cultural Studies

Goldsmiths University, London

**transparency, interrogability and experiment*

P2P production suggests the possibility of a flat ontology of actors in the
development of real techno-cultures.  Its visionary aspect is in this
quality of levelling but it also brings about questions of design, the
politics of knowledge and the capacities of technologies and the materials
of technocultures to recognise and work with differentiation. This talk will
discuss a number of projects that attempt to do that and a number of
theoretical perspectives attempting to make such problematics handlable.

*15.00 – 15.15: Coffee* *(1st Floor outside Conference Room)*


*15.15 – 17.00 Afternoon Sessions *

*PANEL 1 Conference Room 1, 1st Floor*

*Chair: Ben Light *

*Presenters: *

   - Smári McCarthy *Fab labs, Tangible Bit, Industry 2.0* Profile
   - Eddie Kirkby & Haydn Insley *Manchester** Fab Labs: A Transfomational
   Activity for Advanced Manufacturing in the 21st Century *Manchester
   - Erik de Bruijn blog <http://www.erikdebruijn.nl/> RepRap and personal

*PANEL 2 Board Room 1, 2nd Floor *

*Chair: Ben Halligan*


   - Kirsty Boyl (with Catarina Mota) *openMaterials *
   - Sam Rose & Paul Hartzog
   - Melissa Sterry *Creativity's Role in Creating Collaborative Web 2.0
   Platforms & Environmental Digital Messaging
   - Massimo Menichinelli  "Open P2P Design. Metadesign for Open Design
   projects" http://www.openp2pdesign.org


*17.00 – 18.00 Discussions and Launch of Peer to Peer Research Group*

*Conference Room 1, 1st Floor*

*Facilitator: Smari McCarthy*

During the wrap-up/discussion hour the floor will be open to discussions for
where to go next with the Peer to Peer Research Group. *

We will probably also discuss anything that has occurred during the day and
makes sense within the context of the conference. The discussion will be *
guided*, in that we will avoid bikesheds and other conversation stoppers.
The goal will be to map out what has been done, what needs to be done, and
who will do it. People will by this point in time know more or less what is
important to the future development of media ecologies, so letting them
discuss freely is probably a good strategy.

 20.00 After-event Dinner We have booked Lal Qila 123-127 Wilmslow Road,
Manchester, M14 5AN. Dinner is not subsidised, but it is not expensive. This
restaurant is in Manchester’s famous Curry Mile. We should order bus-style
taxi’s from the Innovation Forum on the evening and head over together.

Big thanks to Esther O’Brien and Emily Gilhooley of Innovation Forum; to
People’s Voice Media and Channel M for their coverage of the event; to
Michael Freeman of English, Sociology, Politics and Contemporary History for
organising all travel; Vicky Hayhurst who manages the Annual Disbursement
Fund; and to Dr Michael Goddard, Dr Ben Light and Dr Ben Halligan of Media,
Music and Performance, University of Salford, who will be chairing sessions.

And huge thanks to all presenters for coming from all over the world to make
this event a success.

*THE DAY AFTER, all welcome:*

* *

*Jussi Parikka, Anglia Ruskin University *

*Screens and Mediations Seminar Series *

Wednesday 4th November* *17:00 – 18:30

Room AH012 Adelphi House, University of Salford

*Media Ecologies of Animal Intensities: Ecosophy and Media Studies*

Jussi will be giving a paper focuses on the transpositions of media and
nature through recent art projects such as Harwood, Wright and Yokokoji's
Eco Media (Cross Talk) and Garnet Hertz's Dead Media lab. The Eco Media
project developed new modes of thinking media (ecology) through a tracking
of the intensities of nature. However, in this case the medium is understood
in a very broad sense to cover the ecosystem as a communication network of
atmospheric flows, tides, reproductive hormones, scent markers, migrations
or geological distributions. The project(s) do not focus solely on the
ecological crisis that has been a topic of media representations for years,
but they seem to engage with a more immanent level of media ecology in a
manner that resembles Matthew Fuller's call for "Art for Animals." Media is
approached from the viewpoint of animal perceptions, motilities and energies
(such as wind) that escapes the frameworks of "human media." In this context
the rhetorical question of the Ecomed!,  project concerning non-human media
is intriguing: "Can 'natural media' with its different agencies and
sensorium help to rethink human media, revealing opportunities for action or
areas of mutual interest?" In other words, media of animals and nature
becomes an "ecosophical" (Guattari) probe head for such intensities that
escape that of the human being; a machine for experimentation.


* *

Employment profile: http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/page/Phoebe_Moore

JCEPS--my recent article: UK Education, Employability and Everyday Life

Media Ecologies workshop, Nov 2009, Manchester

Manchester Film Cooperative: http://www.manchesterfilm.coop/
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