[p2p-research] CAD files at The PIrate Bay? (Follow up)

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 03:54:28 CET 2009

Andy wrote:

"there is little empirical evidence of a move away from IP in fields
most open to decentralised production."

Have you had a look at http://search.creativecommons.org/
(decentralized production of media output)?

How about the communities that are rapidly developing around
http://www.arduino.cc/ http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/WebHome (both
of which are released under an open license)

It's really easy with RepRap and Arduino alone to argue that there is
empirical evidence of a "move away" from IP in fields open to
decentralized production.

Furthermore,  "move away" is a pretty broad and nebulous qualifier.
There's empirical evidence that a significant number of people are
"moving away" from patents and IP protections. I don't see what you
can base this statement on (nor have you defined what qualifies as
"empirical evidence" for a "move away". Moreover, what is the
measurement of a "move away" itself?)

Moreover, no one here is claiming that "open" licensed technology is
in the majority. Our discussion so far has been why patents are
non-appropriate for commons-based local-scale economies. They are
non-appropriate even if there is empirical evidence that there is only
one identifiable commons-based local scale economy anywhere on the
face of the earth :-D

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