[p2p-research] "social entrepreneurship" Vs "vocational p2p" ?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 13:12:57 CET 2009

positive about s.e. is that it subsumes the corporate form and profit making
to a social goal, it turns capitalism on its head as it were ... BUT, it is
also usually confined to market making, to find business oriented ways of
solving social problems, not commons oriented. But there is  no reason it
can'be and I'm sure some project are. Many are also participatory and open
in various ways, think about the community dynamics of the original
grameenbank ...

see also the recent article on the blog, on S.E. critique, pointing out that
only while males with mba's get funded, and the recently discovered
dishonesty of Kiva, which actually is not peer to peer aid at all ...  which
doesn't mean it doesn't do good things of course

pure p2p which filters out any other motivation than passion, is very close
to vocational work I would think, but you can also do your vocation through
S.E. which has the advantage of being sustainable, while p2p on its own, is
not ..


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone within our networks part of this *academic social entrepreneurship
> network* ?
> http://www.universitynetwork.org/
> I wonder : *What similarities are there* between "universitynetwork.org"
> and what some of us may try to do through p2pf ? or p2pr ?
> ...other then being *a resource hub* ?
> Is the *notion of "vocation" included in the current vision of a p2p
> research* network ?
> -----
> I personally feel that a p2p/distributed approach is, for me, a vocational
> approach :
> I personally do not define myself as a *"social entre-preneur"*.
> I d rather say I define myself as* **"entre-donneur"* :
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Entredonneur   : *"The entredonneur is a
> 'creative giver' "*
> I personally believe that a *"entre-donneur" approach can be synonymous of
> a p2p approach.*
> *Does social entrepreneurship<http://p2pfoundation.net/Social_Entrepreneurship>embody the promotion of a commons
> * , of peer property, peer governance, and peer production ?
> Or *is vocational social entrepreneurship in direct opposition with
> vocational "entre-donneurship" ?*
> Or are there different kinds of social entrepreneurs<http://p2pfoundation.net/Social_Entrepreneurs>
>  ?
> Would a "vocational p2p entre-donneurship" have *a different kind of
> bottom line* then the "triple bottom line" of "financial, social and
> environmental performance" which seems to be related to the definition of
> "social entrepreneurship" ?
> see : Definition of Social Entreprise<http://p2pfoundation.net/Social_Entrepreneurs#Definition_of_Social_Entreprise>
>  :
> " The need to deliver on financial, social and environmental performance
> targets is often referred to as having a triple bottom line. "
> -----
> http://www.universitynetwork.org/
> " The University Network for Social Entrepreneurship works with professors
> and researchers, practitioners, and students to develop social
> entrepreneurship as a vocation and carry its principles into other
> disciplines and sectors. It is designed to be a resource hub and an
> action-oriented discussion forum to expand social entrepreneurship education
> and participation around the world. "
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