[p2p-research] "social entrepreneurship" Vs "vocational p2p" ?

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 11:41:55 CET 2009

Anyone within our networks part of this *academic social entrepreneurship
network* ?


I wonder : *What similarities are there* between "universitynetwork.org"
and what some of us may try to do through p2pf ? or p2pr ?
...other then being *a resource hub* ?

Is the *notion of "vocation" included in the current vision of a p2p
research* network ?


I personally feel that a p2p/distributed approach is, for me, a vocational
approach :

I personally do not define myself as a *"social entre-preneur"*.
I d rather say I define myself as* **"entre-donneur"* :

http://p2pfoundation.net/Entredonneur   : *"The entredonneur is a 'creative
giver' "*

I personally believe that a *"entre-donneur" approach can be synonymous of a
p2p approach.*

*Does social entrepreneurship<http://p2pfoundation.net/Social_Entrepreneurship>embody
the promotion of a commons
* , of peer property, peer governance, and peer production ?
Or *is vocational social entrepreneurship in direct opposition with
vocational "entre-donneurship" ?*

Or are there different kinds of social

Would a "vocational p2p entre-donneurship" have *a different kind of bottom
line* then the "triple bottom line" of "financial, social and environmental
performance" which seems to be related to the definition of "social
entrepreneurship" ?

see : Definition of Social

" The need to deliver on financial, social and environmental performance
targets is often referred to as having a triple bottom line. "



" The University Network for Social Entrepreneurship works with professors
and researchers, practitioners, and students to develop social
entrepreneurship as a vocation and carry its principles into other
disciplines and sectors. It is designed to be a resource hub and an
action-oriented discussion forum to expand social entrepreneurship education
and participation around the world. "
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