[p2p-research] Fwd: Memo from Jim Garrison on climate leadership: the role of brazil

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 09:03:30 CET 2009

I'm associated with this state of the world outfit through the asian
foresight institute in bangkok,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Uta Jehnich <uta at worldforum.org>
Date: 2009/10/26
Subject: Memo from Jim Garrison

Dear Friends,

Please find attached two memos: a 2020 Strategic Plan and a 2020 Executive
Summary. I have waited this long to send them out because Emilia and I have
been deep in discussion with various parties both in the United States and
Brazil about the recent commitment by President Lula and the Amazonian
governors to reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020.  Today in the news is that
Lula is seeking a pan Amazonian commitment of all nine nations that comprise
the Amazon so that going into Copenhagen, Brazil and Latin America can have
a common 80/20 position.

This is obviously an extraordinary act of climate leadership and a dramatic
actualization of what we have been working on for the past nine months.
Brazil is now in the lead and we can actually think about a global campaign
around "80/20/Join Brazil" whereby all of us support the Amazonian
initiative by making similar 80/20 commitments where we are.

One immediate development is that we have now negotiated an MOU with the
governor of Acre state, in the western Amazon, to host an "Amazonian Climate
Summit" May 10 - 14, 2010 in collaboration with Governor Schwarzenegger and
his recent Global Climate Summit in L.A., during which the Amazonian
governors made their 80/20 announcement and at which Emilia and I made the
proposal for the Amazonian Summit.  This Summit will provide an
extraordinary opportunity not only to build international  support for the
Amazon but also to profile the 80/20 goal of the 2020 Campaign as something
that is a achievable and urgently necessary for the whole world to take up.

The purpose of the two memos is to set forth the rational for why 80/20 is
the only viable response to the escalating crisis of global warming, where
the leadership must come to galvanize 80/20 commitments, what the purpose of
the 2020 Campaign is moving forward, what our timeline is over the next
year, and how people can get involved.

Please review it, send it out to all your friends, and focus on the
Washington Climate Summit and mobilization of the "urgency coalition" that
is now being galvanized around the 2020 Campaign. I will be sending out a
treatment of the Washington Summit next week.

The climate leadership of Brazil fulfills our deep intuition that it is from
there that the leadership would come.  It demonstrates that our time and
effort in focusing there and launching the 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign
in Belo Horizonte was correct.  We have been involved in all the processes
that have led to Brazil's current climate leadership and are now active in
what now will ensue.  Globally, we can now mobilize "80/20/Join Brazil"

I look forward to hearing from you and taking the next steps.

Warm Regards,


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