[p2p-research] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Technology works for activists -South Africa

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 07:51:25 CET 2009

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From: Smiley <smiley at siyafundactc.org.za>
Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:31 PM
Subject: [ciresearchers] Technology works for activists -South Africa
To: ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, ci-research-sa at vcn.bc.ca
Cc: Michael Gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>


Technology works for activists
Published: 2009/10/26 06:18:20 AM

THUMBS UP: Nongovernmental organisations are showing a greater interest in
new media, and cellphones are well established, but much of this is for
personal use. The potential for advancing the cause of users’ institutions
is still far from being fully reached. Picture: MARIANNE SCHWANKHART

MORE than half of the 800 nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) in SA say
information technology has had a major effect on their ability to advance
human rights and they are starting to realise the potential of mobile
technology and social networking , a study has found.

The results highlighted the increasing value of the cellphone. A quarter of
NGOs used custom applications on cellphones, such as medication maintenance
systems for patients with HIV/AIDS or TB, which remind pat! ients to take
their medicine.

Cellphones were also being used as fundraising tools by a quarter of NGOs,
and 48% of decision makers were using internet browsers on their phones to
access information for organisations.

But the research also found that only 39% of NGOs had a technology plan in
place .

The report, entitled State of ICT (information communication technology),
was carried out by market research organisation World Wide Worx and NGO
technology facilitator SangoNeT. It was sponsored by Microsoft and the
National Development Agency (NDA) and involved NGOs across the country, and
organisations of all sizes from all sectors.

It found that compared to research in 2007, NGO decision makers were
becoming adept with cutting-edge tools such as mobile applications and
social networking services.

These were seen as having a major effect on the ability to advance human
rights by 56% of those interviewed. While this figure was only ! 2% higher
than the 2007 survey’s, this year’s study found that NGOs demonstrated a
greater interest in using new media to further their cause and some
respondents were using it in their personal capacity.

Half of all respondents were using local social networking services, but
only 6% of them were using them in pursuit of the goals of their

“It means NGOs are leveraging technology, but not nearly achieving its
potential,” said David Barnard, executive director of SangoNeT.

Steven Ambrose, managing director of WWW Strategy and lead consultant on the
project, was more positive, saying that because respondents were adept at
using social networks they faced far less of a learning curve in using them
to pursu e organisational causes.

“In the past, people have tended to learn how to use the internet from
exposure at work, and then taken that into their personal lives. We are
seeing the reverse process at work here,” he s! aid.

The survey also revealed that NGOs were rapidly embracing the advanced
functions of cellphones, with exactly half of them using the calendar and
organiser functions of phones for organisational use, and only 24% for
personal use.

Instant messaging on the phone had been embraced by 51% for personal use,
while only 16% use it for their organisations. A slightly larger proportion,
20%, use instant messaging on computers, with a further 43% indicating that
they intended to embrace this option.

“The data shows that NGOs still see the new forms of communication offered
by social networks and instant messaging as personal tools rather than
organisational, but are aware of their capabilities,” said Ambrose. “This
highlights the potential of these tools once their role can be more clearly
defined and promoted.”

Barnard said devising a technology plan was essential. “This is the first
step in making technology work for an organisation! , and it’s a step that
most NGOs must urgently take. The findings of the study will hopefully
encourage more action in this regard,” he said.

benjaminc at bdfm.co.za

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