[p2p-research] Google chief: Vast changes to Web loom

Pamela McLean pamela.mclean at dadamac.net
Sun Oct 25 20:00:22 CET 2009

I'm responding to the part of Paul's email about more effective ways of
automatically organising information. Reading the email I had several
thoughts. They connect in my mind - but it would take a while to justify how
they connect - however they which may strike a chord with someone - and if
so I would be interested in further discussion.

There is so much information now flooding around us all - which gives us new
problems of organising it. Some of us  have to do it for ourselves - some
have automatic systems of one kind and another - some of us have trusted
friends or colleagues who act as an information filters and pointers for us.
Many of us help each other to a lesser or greater degree - pushing, pulling,
parking, packing and personalising information for the people we connect

We are moving to a new kind of "shared knowing" - much of our memory is
external and sharable; much of what we don't yet know but might soon know is
easily accessible; much of our thinking is becoming more external and

The internet isn't just about the technology and the information - it's also
about people and roles and relationships and how the internet is impacting
on them.

Social networking on the Internet is not just about networking at a distance
with people we have never met Face to Face (F2F), it is also about
continuing to network with people we initially knew F2F and might otherwise
lose contact with, equally it is about meeting people F2F who we have
initially networked with online.

The Internet impacts on individual relationships to information, and group
relationships to information, and people's relationships to information,
and to knowledge, and to each other. All kinds of subtle realignments are
happening. The present is unsure of itself and there is a such a fluidity
about the future...  Issues about automatically organising information are
as much about the context in which the information will be used as about the
information itself - hmm - we face some intriguing challenges when it comes
to organising information..

Pamela McLean

2009/10/25 Paul D. Fernhout <pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com>
- Hide quoted text -

(snip) Schmidt said.
 "You will tend to listen to other people," he said.
 The problem is how to organize all the information, he said. It is the
fundamental problem facing Google, a company that offers many products but
was built on a Web search engine that trolls for information, gathers it and
ranks it for users. Schmidt asked rhetorically how, for instance, Google
might be able to rank a user's individual tweets. ...
Mentioned here:


--Paul Fernhout

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