[p2p-research] Walt Whitman on the Commonplace

Kevin Flanagan kev.flanagan at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 19:52:02 CET 2009

Hi Ryan,

Very nice. Have you read 'The Gift' by Lewis Hyde. The book is a meditation
on creativity as a gift and how artists have engaged with this idea. He
explores the theme looking at the gift in folklore, the history of gift
exchange and the development of usury, he writes about traditional gift
economies such as those in american indian culture, and then the gift in the
works of Walt Whitman and Ezra Pound. Its a nice read. I'd like to give it a
second more critical read at some point. It was my introduction to Whitman.
I picked up an old used copy of 'Leaves of Grass' and really enjoyed it.
Hyde has written some articles for onthecommons.org
and there is a short review of his book here by David Bollier
He has a website http://www.lewishyde.com
and has a new book in the works on the cultural commons.


Kevin F

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

> *The Commonplace*
> *by Walt Whitman
> (1819-1892)*
>  ------------------------------
> The commonplace I sing;
> How cheap is health! how cheap nobility!
> Abstinence, no falsehood, no gluttony, lust;
> The open air I sing, freedom, toleration,
> (Take here the mainest lesson--less from books--less from the schools,)
> The common day and night--the common earth and waters,
> Your farm--your work, trade, occupation,
> The democratic wisdom underneath, like solid ground for all.
> --
> Ryan
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