[p2p-research] P2P Ideology

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 16:03:25 CET 2009

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This would be interesting as a finding at a number of levels.  There is, for
> example, fractal generating software.  Could one design a system to invent
> new P2P designs?  What would be wrong with that thought?  Or would it be
> generating sharing arenas?  Something here begs for a link to knowledge
> management theory...people like Dave Snowden.
> Also, could we uncover the fractal rules for existing P2P systems?
> Wikipedia?

I think we can identify some rules

Although... :-)

> Some fractal rules(?):
> 1. Governance decisions are made close to the transaction

This is a good candidate for a common property in p2p systems

> 2. Sharers are the primary innovators, not the systems designers


designers and sharers (producers) are "roles" that are increasingly

Why? there is a rule in p2p systems that is what Paul hartzog and I
call the principle of "plurality". Access to the tools of design, the
means of production, and the networks for sharing means that one
person can, and in significant numbers does, fill all roles

All that being said, it was the innovation of sharing that paved the
way for access. So, I actually think that you are right here. Those
who shared created best innovations (technology, social governance,
etc) that routed around blockages in the system, and paved the way for
much of what I describe above

> 3. Plans are impossible, but norms are essential

Agree, yet, p2p networks smash the paradigm of what "norms" look like,
both because of diversity in what emerges, and plurality of ways for
networks to connect.

Still there are norms (commons based resource pooling, etc etc)

> 4. For a norm to be broken requires explicit justification

Maybe. Problem is that the systems afford the rights to fork and
leave. Right to fork and leave is a simple rule for sure.

I think you may be talking about something else though, and it'd be
worthwhile to think about an example from real life that you've
observed that demonstrates what you are referring to above

> These are obviously not analytical, but just a thought.
> Ryan
Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
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email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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