[p2p-research] P2P Ideology

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 15:26:50 CET 2009


Does this imply a "fractal" nature of P2P?  How does fractal relate to
emergent.  Emergent seems to disallow analysis to me. Ever fresh seems to be
impossible to appreciate.  Nature has rules.  DNA.  Is there an underlying
P2P rule set?  Or is that necessarily unknowable due to the locally emergent


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:

> There will be, and are constitutions and manifestos, but the nature of
> the mediums that make p2p possible are affording the following:
> Those constitutions and manifestos are emerging on smaller local
> scales, they exhibit some basic simple rules that are characteristic,
> but also exhibit highly diverse characteristics from local network to
> localnetwork. Plus, the mediums are affording a plurality of
> interfacing, which allows small networks to connect with one another
> in ad-hoc ways.
> The new landscape is not a world of averages. It is a world of
> networked unique local niches, which when filled, open (eventually
> exponentially) more niches. It's the world of the power law, not the
> bell curve. There are many other factors, but this picture is vital in
> my opinion, to understanding what is emerging now.
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